Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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*<br />

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BÅLA-KÅ°NœA *<br />

7<br />

it to be the result of association with holy men; there is no other means either in the world<br />

or in the Vedas. Wisdom dawns not without association with saints and such association<br />

cannot be easily had without the grace of ›r∂ Råma. Contact with noble souls is the root<br />

of joy and blessings; it constitutes the very fruit and fulfilment of all endeavours, whereas<br />

all other practices are blossoms as it were. Through contact with the virtuous even the<br />

wicked get reformed, just as a base metal is transmuted by the touch of the philosopherís<br />

stone. On the other hand, if by mischance good men fall into evil company, they maintain<br />

their noble character like the gem on the hood of a serpent. Even the speech of deities<br />

like Brahmå, Viƒu and ›iva, poets and men of wisdom falters in depicting the glory of<br />

pious souls. Much less can it be described by me, even as a dealer in vegetables finds<br />

himself incapable of expatiating on the qualities of gems. (1ó6)<br />

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Do.: ba≈dau° sa≈ta samåna cita hita anahita nahiÚ koi,<br />

a≈jali gata subha sumana jimi sama suga≈dha kara doi.3(A).<br />

sa≈ta sarala cita jagata hita jåni subhåu sanehu,<br />

bålabinaya suni kari kæpå råmacarana rati dehu.3(B).<br />

I bow to the saints, who are even-minded towards all and have no friend or foe,<br />

just as a flower of good quality placed in the palm of oneës hands communicates its<br />

fragrance alike to both the hands (the one which plucked it and that which held and<br />

preserved it). Realizing thus the noble disposition and loving nature of saints, who are<br />

innocent at heart and catholic in spirit, I make this humble submission to them. Listening<br />

to my childlike prayer and taking compassion on me, O noble souls, bless me with<br />

devotion to the feet of ›r∂ Råma. (3 A-B)<br />

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