Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""<br />

BÅLA-KÅ°NœA *<br />

217<br />

When the citizens received the news that the two princes had come to see the<br />

town, they all left their business and ran out of their homes as if paupers were out to grab<br />

a valuable property. Beholding the natural grace of two brothers, they were glad at heart<br />

and attained the consummation of their eyes. Sticking to the air-holes of their houses<br />

young ladies lovingly scanned ›r∂ Råmaís beauty. They fondly spoke to one another in<br />

the following words: ìO friend, He has surpassed in beauty millions of Cupids. Nowhere<br />

among gods, men, demons, Någas or sages do we hear of such beauty. God Viƒu is<br />

endowed with four arms, Brahmå has four face, while ›iva, the Slayer of Tripura, has<br />

a frightful garb and five faces. O friend, there is no other god who could stand<br />

comparison with this beauty. (1ó4)<br />

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•¢ª •¢ª ¬⁄U flÊÁ⁄U•®„U ∑§ÙÁ≈U ∑§ÙÁ≈U ‚à ∑§Ê◊H 220H<br />

Do.: baya kisora suamå sadana syåma gaura sukha dhåma,<br />

a≈ga a≈ga para våriahiÚ ko¢i ko¢i sata kåma.220.<br />

ìThe two lads, one dark and the other fair, are yet of tender age and are<br />

repositories of beauty and abodes of bliss. Millions and hundreds of millions of Cupids<br />

are worth sacrificing to each one of their limbs.î (220)<br />

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Cau.: kahahu sakh∂ asa ko tanudhår∂, jo na moha yaha rµupa nihår∂.<br />

kou saprema bol∂ mædu bån∂, jo maiÚ sunå so sunahu sayån∂.1.<br />

e doµu dasaratha ke Œho¢å, båla marålanhi ke kala jo¢å.<br />

muni kausika makha ke rakhavåre, jinha rana ajira nisåcara måre.2.<br />

syåma gåta kala ka≈ja bilocana, jo mar∂ca subhuja madu mocana.<br />

kausalyå suta so sukha khån∂, nåmu råmu dhanu såyaka pån∂.3.<br />

gaura kisora beu bara kåche°, kara sara cåpa råma ke påche°.<br />

lachimanu nåmu råma laghu bhråtå, sunu sakhi tåsu sumitrå måtå.4.<br />

ìTell me, friend, what embodied being is there that would not be charmed to see<br />

such beauty?î One of them lovingly said in gentle tones, ìHear, my dear, what I have<br />

been told. These two lads, a beautiful pair of cygnets as it were, are sons of King Da‹aratha;<br />

they are the protectors of Kau‹ikaís sacrifice, and have slain demons in the field of battle.<br />

He who has a swarthy form and has charming lotus-like eyes and who has quelled the<br />

pride of Mår∂ca and Subåhu, wielding a bow and shaft in His hands, is Kausalyåís son,<br />

Råma by name, the very fountain of bliss. The fair youth in gallant attire, who is closely<br />

following ›r∂ Råma, a bow and arrow in hand, is the latterís younger brother and is named<br />

Lakmaƒa. Sumitrå, friend, is his mother, you must know. (1ó4)

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