Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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*<br />

"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""<br />

BÅLA-KÅ°NœA *<br />

5<br />

Cau.: guru pada raja mædu ma≈jula a≈jana, nayana amia dæga doa bibha≈jana.<br />

tehiÚ kari bimala bibeka bilocana, baranau° råma carita bhava mocana.1.<br />

ba≈da~~u .<br />

prathama mah∂sura caranå, moha janita sa≈saya saba haranå.<br />

sujana samåja sakala guna khån∂, karau° pranåma saprema subån∂.2.<br />

sådhu carita subha carita kapåsµu, nirasa bisada gunamaya phala jåsµu.<br />

jo sahi dukha parachidra duråvå, ba≈dan∂ya jehiÚ jaga jasa påvå.3.<br />

muda ma≈galamaya sa≈ta samåjµu, jo jaga ja≈gama t∂ratharåjµu.<br />

råma bhakti jaha° surasari dhårå, sarasai brahma bicåra pracårå.4.<br />

bidhi niedhamaya kali mala haran∂, karama kathå rabina≈dani baran∂.<br />

hari hara kathå biråjati ben∂, sunata sakala muda ma≈gala den∂.5.<br />

ba¢u bisvåsa acala nija dharamå, t∂ratharåja samåja sukaramå.<br />

sabahi sulabha saba dina saba deså, sevata sådara samana kaleså.6.<br />

akatha alaukika t∂ratharåµu, dei sadya phala praga¢a prabhåµu.7.<br />

The dust of the Guruís feet is a soft and agreeable, salve, which is ambrosia as<br />

it were for the eyes and remedies the defects of vision. Having brightened my eyes of<br />

discernment thereby I proceed to relate the story of ›r∂ Råma, which secures freedom<br />

from the bondage of mundane existence. First I reverence the feet of Bråhmaƒas, the<br />

very gods on earth, who are able to dispel all doubts born of ignorance. Then I make<br />

loving obeisance, in a polite language, to the whole body of pious souls, the mines of all<br />

virtues. The conduct of holy men is noble as the career of the cotton plant, the fruit<br />

whereof is tasteless, white and fibrous (even as the doings of saints yield results which<br />

are free from attachment, stainless and full of goodness).* Even by suffering hardships<br />

( in the form of ginning, spinning and weaving) the cotton plant covers othersí faults and<br />

has thereby earned in the world a renown which is worthy of adoration. The assemblage<br />

of saints, which is all joy and felicity, is a moving Prayåga (the king of all holy places)<br />

as it were. Devotion to ›r∂ Råma represents, in this moving Prayåga, the stream of the<br />

holy Ga∆gå, the river of the celestials; while the proceeding of an enquiry into the nature<br />

of Brahma (the Absolute) constitutes the Sarasvat∂ (a subterranean stream which is<br />

traditionally believed to join the Ga∆gå and the Yamunå at Prayåga, thus accounting for<br />

the name ëTriveƒ∂í, which signifies a meeting-place of three rivers). Discourses on Karma<br />

or Action, consisting of injunctions and interdictions, have been spoken of as the sacred<br />

Yamunåóa daughter of the sun-god in her angelic formówashing the impurities of the<br />

Kali age; while the anecdotes of Viƒu and ›iva stand out as the triple stream known as<br />

TriveĶ, bringing joy and blessings to those who listen to them. Unwavering faith in their<br />

own creed constitutes the immortal banyan tree and noble actions represent the royal<br />

court of that king of holy places. Easy of access to all on anyday and at every place,<br />

this moving Prayåga assuages the afflictions of those who resort to it with reverence.<br />

This king of holy places is beyond all description and supra-mundane in character; it<br />

bestows the reward immediately and its glory is manifest. (1ó7)<br />

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‹„U®„U øÊÁ⁄U »§‹ •¿UÃ ÃŸÈ ‚ÊœÈ ‚◊Ê¡ ¬˝ÿʪH 2H<br />

Do.: suni samujhahiÚ jana mudita mana majjahiÚ ati anuråga,<br />

lahahiÚ cåri phala achata tanu sådhu samåja prayåga.2.<br />

* The fruit of the cotton plant has been characterized in the original as ëN∂rasaí, ëVi‹adaí and<br />

ëGunamayaí, which words can be interpreted both ways as in the rendering given above.

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