Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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198 *<br />

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Cau.: ehi bidhi råma jagata pitu måtå, kosalapura båsinha sukhadåtå.<br />

jinha raghunåtha carana rati mån∂, tinha k∂ yaha gati praga¢a bhavån∂.1.<br />

raghupati bimukha jatana kara kor∂, kavana sakai bhava ba≈dhana chor∂.<br />

j∂va caråcara basa kai råkhe, so måyå prabhu so° bhaya bhåkhe.2.<br />

bhæku¢i bilåsa nacåvai tåh∂, asa prabhu chåRi bhajia kahu kåh∂.<br />

mana krama bacana chåRi caturå∂, bhajata kæpå karihahiÚ raghurå∂.3.<br />

ehi bidhi sisubinoda prabhu k∂nhå, sakala nagarabåsinha sukha d∂nhå.<br />

lai ucha≈ga kabahu° ka halaråvai, kabahu° pålane° ghåli jhulåvai.4.<br />

In this way ›r∂ Råma, the father and mother of the universe, delighted the people<br />

of Ayodhyå. Bhavån∂, this demonstrates how those who have conceived devotion to the<br />

feet of the Lord of Raghus are repaid by Him. On the other hand, no one can liberate<br />

from the bondage of worldly existence him who is averse to the Lord of Raghus, however<br />

much he may struggle.Even that Måyå which has held under her sway all living beings,<br />

both animate and inanimate, trembles before the Lord, who makes her dance to the play<br />

of His eye-brows. Leaving such a lord, tell me, whom should we adore? The Lord of<br />

Raghus will compassionate those who betake themselves to Him in thought, word and<br />

deed, giving up all cleverness. In this way the Lord sported as a child, to the delight of<br />

all the people of the city. The mother would now dandle Him in her arms, and now put<br />

Him down and rock Him in the cradle. (1ó4)<br />

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Do.: prema magana kausalyå nisi dina jåta na jåna,<br />

suta saneha basa måtå bålacarita kara gåna.200.<br />

Kausalyå remained so rapt in love that days and nights passed unnoticed. Out of<br />

affection for her boy she would sing lays of His childhood. (200)<br />

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