Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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four sons, O king, are the essence of Veda itself. Of them ›r∂ Råma is the sages'<br />

treasure, the devotee's all in all and ›iva's very life; He takes delight at present in the<br />

rapture of childish sportsî. From his earliest days Lakmaƒa came to look upon ›r∂<br />

Råma as his benefactor and master and conceived devotion to His feet. The love that<br />

existed between the two half-brothers, Bharata and ›atrughna, was as glorious as that<br />

which obtains between a master and his servant. As the mothers gazed on the beauty<br />

of the two lovely pairs, one of whom was dark, the other fair, they would break a blade<br />

of grass in order to avert the evil eye. Although all the four brothers were embodiments<br />

of amiability, beauty and goodness, yet ›r∂ Råma was an ocean of bliss par excellence.<br />

In His heart shone the moon of grace and His captivating smile represented its rays.<br />

Now on her lap and now in the beautiful cradle, the mother fondled Him calling Him her<br />

own darling. (1ó4)<br />

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Do.: byåpaka brahma nira≈jana nirguna bigata binoda,<br />

so aja prema bhagati basa kausalyå ke° goda.198.<br />

The unborn and all-pervading Brahma, who is untainted by Måyå, without attributes<br />

and devoid of play, has sought shelter in the arms of Kausalyå conquered by her love<br />

and devotion. (198)<br />

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Cau.: kåma ko¢i chabi syåma sar∂rå, n∂la ka≈ja bårida ga≈bh∂rå.<br />

aruna carana pa≈kaja nakha jot∂, kamala dalanhi bai¢he janu mot∂.1.<br />

rekha kulisa dhvaja a≈kusa sohe, nµupura dhuni suni muni mana mohe.<br />

ka¢i ki≈kin∂ udara traya rekhå, nåbhi gabh∂ra jåna jehiÚ dekhå.2.<br />

bhuja bisåla bhµuana juta bhµur∂, hiya° hari nakha ati sobhå rµur∂.<br />

ura manihåra padika k∂ sobhå, bipra carana dekhata mana lobhå.3.<br />

ka≈bu ka≈¢ha ati cibuka suhå∂, ånana amita madana chabi chå∂.<br />

dui dui dasana adhara arunåre, nåså tilaka ko baranai påre.4.

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