Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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BÅLA-KÅ°NœA *<br />

183<br />

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Cau.: bai¢he sura saba karahiÚ bicårå, kaha° påia prabhu karia pukårå.<br />

pura baiku≈¢ha jåna kaha ko∂, kou kaha payanidhi basa prabhu so∂.1.<br />

jåke hædaya° bhagati jasi pr∂t∂, prabhu taha° praga¢a sadå tehiÚ r∂t∂.<br />

tehiÚ samåja girijå maiÚ raheµu° , avasara påi bacana eka kaheµu° .2.<br />

hari byåpaka sarbatra samånå, prema te° praga¢a hohiÚ maiÚ jånå.<br />

desa kåla disi bidisihu måh∂°, kahahu so kahå° jahå° prabhu nåh∂°.3.<br />

aga jagamaya saba rahita biråg∂, prema te° prabhu praga¢ai jimi åg∂.<br />

more bacana saba ke mana månå, sådhu sådhu kari brahma bakhånå.4.<br />

All the gods sat in counsel: ìWhere can we find the Lord, so that we may appeal<br />

to Him?î Someone suggested that they should go to Vaikuƒ¢ha. Another said, ìThe Lord<br />

has His abode in the ocean of milk.î The Lord always manifests Himself in response to<br />

the devotion and love one cherishes in oneís heart. Girijå, I too happened to be in that<br />

assembly and took occasion to put in a word: ìFor aught I know ›r∂ Hari is present<br />

everywhere alike and is revealed only by love. Tell Me any place, time or quarter of the<br />

heaven where the Lord is not. Having taken the form of all creation, both animate and<br />

inanimate, He is yet destitute of everything and passionless; He is revealed by love even<br />

as fire is manifested by friction.î ìMy words found favour with all and Brahmå applauded<br />

me saying, ìWell said, well said!î (1ó4)<br />

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•SÃÈÁà ∑§⁄Uà ¡ÙÁ⁄U ∑§⁄U ‚ÊflœÊŸ ◊ÁÃœË⁄UH 185H<br />

Do.: suni bira≈ci mana haraa tana pulaki nayana baha n∂ra,<br />

astuti karata jori kara såvadhåna matidh∂ra.185.<br />

Brahmå was glad at heart to hear My words the hair on his body bristled and tears<br />

flowed from his eyes. Recovering himself, the stable-minded Brahmå joined his palms<br />

and prayed:ó (185)<br />

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