Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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I pay homage to the king of bards (Vålm∂ki) and the chief of monkeys (Hanumån),<br />

of pure intelligence, both of whom sport in the holy woods in the shape of glories of S∂tå<br />

and Råma. (4)<br />

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udbhavasthitisa≈hårakåriƒ∂≈ kle‹ahåriƒ∂m,<br />

sarva‹reyaskar∂≈ s∂tå≈ natoíha≈ råmavallabhåm.5.<br />

I bow to S∂tå the beloved consort of ›r∂ Råma, who is responsible for the<br />

creation, sustenance and dissolution (of the universe), removes afflictions and begets<br />

all blessings. (5)<br />

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yanmåyåva‹avartti vi‹vamakhila≈ brahmådidevåsurå<br />

yatsattvådamæaiva bhåti sakala≈ rajjau yathåherbhrama¨,<br />

yatpådaplavamekameva hi bhavåmbhodhestit∂råvatå≈<br />

vandeíha≈ tama‹eakåraƒapara≈ råmåkhyam∂‹a≈ harim.6.<br />

I adore Lord Hari, known by the name of ›r∂ Råma, who is superior to and<br />

lies beyond all causes, whose Måyå (illusive power) holds sway over the entire<br />

universe including gods from Brahmå (the Creator) downwards and demons, whose<br />

presence lends positive reality to the world of appearancesóeven as the false notion<br />

of a serpent is entertained with reference to a ropeóand whose feet are the only<br />

bark for those who are eager to cross the ocean of mundane existence.<br />

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(6)<br />

SflÊãׂÈπÊÿ ÃÈ‹‚Ë ⁄UÉÊÈŸÊÕªÊÕÊ÷Ê·ÊÁŸ’ãœ◊ÁÃ◊Ü¡È‹◊ÊßÙÁà H 7H<br />

nånåpuråƒanigamågamasammata≈ yad råmåyaƒe nigadita≈ kvacidanyatoípi,<br />

svånta¨sukhåya tulas∂ raghunåthagåthå bhåånibandhamatima¤julamåtanoti.7.<br />

For the gratification of his own self Tulas∂dåsa brings forth this very elegant<br />

composition relating in common parlance the story of the Lord of Raghus, which is in accord<br />

with the various Puråƒas, Vedas and the Ågamas (Tantras), and incorporates what has<br />

been recorded in the Råmåyaƒa (of Vålm∂ki) and culled from some other sources. (7)<br />

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So.: jo sumirata sidhi hoi gana nåyaka karibara badana,<br />

karau anugraha soi buddhi råsi subha guna sadana.1.<br />

May Lord Gaƒe‹a, the leader of ›ivaís retinue, whose very thought, ensures<br />

success, who carries on his shoulders the head of a beautiful elephant, who is a<br />

repository of wisdom and an abode of blessed qualities, shower his grace. (1)

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