Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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176 *<br />

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bhogåvati jasi ahikula båså, amaråvati jasi sakranivåså.<br />

tinha te° adhika ramya ati ba≈kå, jaga bikhyåta nåma tehi la≈kå.4.<br />

Having granted them boons Brahmå went away, while they returned to their home<br />

rejoicing. The demon Maya had a daughter, Mandodar∂ by name, who was exceedingly<br />

beautiful, a jewel of womankind. Maya brought and made her over to Råvaƒa, knowing<br />

that the latter was going to become the lord of the demons. Delighted at having obtained<br />

such a good wife, Råvaƒa next went and married his two brothers. On a three-peaked<br />

mountain called Trikµu¢a in the middle of the ocean there stood a very large fortress built<br />

by Brahmå himself. The demon Maya (who was a great architect) renovated it. It<br />

contained numberless palaces of gold and jewels, and was more beautiful and charming<br />

than Bhogåvat∂ (the capital of Påtåla, the nethermost region in the core of the globe), the<br />

city of the serpents, and Amaråvat∂, the capital of Indra (the lord of paradise). It was<br />

known throughout the world by the name of La∆kå. (1ó4)<br />

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Do.: khå∂° si≈dhu gabh∂ra ati cårihu° disi phiri åva,<br />

kanaka ko¢a mani khacita dæRha barani na jåi banåva.178(A).<br />

hari prerita jehiÚ kalapa joi jåtudhånapati hoi,<br />

sµura pratåp∂ atulabala dala sameta basa soi.178(B).<br />

The ocean surrounded it on all sides as a very deep moat. It had a<br />

strong fortification wall built of gold and jewels, the architectural beauty of which<br />

defied description. Whoever was preordained by ›r∂ Hari to be the chief of the<br />

demons in a particular cycle, that illustrious hero of incomparable might lived there<br />

with his army. (178 A-B)<br />

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Cau.: rahe tahå° nisicara bha¢a bhåre, te saba suranha samara sa≈ghåre.<br />

aba taha° rahahiÚ sakra ke prere, racchaka ko¢i jacchapati kere.1.<br />

dasamukha katahu° khabari asi på∂, sena såji gaRha gheresi jå∂.<br />

dekhi bika¢a bha¢a baRi ka¢akå∂, jaccha j∂va lai gae parå∂.2.<br />

phiri saba nagara dasånana dekhå, gayau soca sukha bhayau biseå.<br />

su≈dara sahaja agama anumån∂, k∂nhi tahå°<br />

råvana rajadhån∂.3.

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