Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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Cau.: tåpasa næpa nija sakhahi nihår∂, harai mileu u¢hi bhayau sukhår∂.<br />

mitrahi kahi saba kathå sunå∂, jåtudhåna bolå sukha på∂.1.<br />

aba sådheu° ripu sunahu nareså, jau° tumha k∂nha mora upadeså.<br />

parihari soca rahahu tumha so∂, binu auadha biådhi bidhi kho∂.2.<br />

kula sameta ripu mµula bahå∂, cauthe° divasa milaba maiÚ å∂.<br />

tåpasa næpahi bahuta parito∂, calå mahåkapa¢∂ atiro∂.3.<br />

bhånupratåpahi båji sametå, pahu°cåesi chana måjha niketå.<br />

næpahi nåri pahiÚ sayana karå∂, hayagæha° bå°dhesi båji banå∂.4.<br />

The hermit-king was delighted to see his ally and rose to meet him. The meeting<br />

gave him much satisfaction and he related the whole story to his friend. The demon too<br />

was glad and said, ìListen, O king: since you have followed my advice, take the enemy<br />

as subdued. Cease to worry now and lay yourself to rest. God has effected a cure<br />

without the use of a medicine, I will sweep away the enemy root and branch and see you<br />

on the fourth day.î Fully reassuring the hermit-king, the arch-impostor, who was highly<br />

irascible, departed. In an instant he conveyed Pratåpabhånu to his palace, horse and all.<br />

Putting the king to bed beside his queen, he tied up the horse in the stall in the proper<br />

way. (1ó4)<br />

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Do.: råjå ke uparohitahi hari lai gayau bahori,<br />

lai råkhesi giri khoha mahu° måyå° kari mati bhori.171.<br />

Again he carried off the kingís family-priest and, depriving him of his senses by his<br />

supernatural power, kept him in a mountain-cave. (171)<br />

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Cau.: åpu biraci uparohita rµupå, pareu jåi tehi seja anµupå.<br />

jågeu næpa anabhae° bihånå, dekhi bhavana ati acaraju månå.1.

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