Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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Cau.: gai ‹rama sakala sukh∂ næpa bhayaµu, nija å‹rama tåpasa lai gayaµu.<br />

åsana d∂nha asta rabi jån∂, puni tåpasa boleu mædu bån∂.1.<br />

ko tumha kasa bana phirahu akele°, su≈dara jubå j∂va parahele°.<br />

cakrabarti ke lacchana tore°, dekhata dayå lågi ati more°.2.<br />

nåma pratåpabhånu avan∂så, tåsu saciva maiÚ sunahu mun∂så.<br />

phirata ahere° pareu° bhulå∂, baRe° bhåga dekheu° pada å∂.3.<br />

hama kaha° durlabha darasa tumhårå, jånata hau° kachu bhala honihårå.<br />

kaha muni tåta bhayau a° dhiårå, jojana sattari nagaru tumhårå.4.<br />

The whole fatigue was gone and the king heaved a sigh of relief. The hermit<br />

thereafter took him back to his hermitage; and perceiving that it was sunset now he gave<br />

him a seat and then spoke to him in polite terms, ìWho are you and wherefore do you<br />

risk your life by roaming in the forest all alone, even though you are so young and<br />

handsome? Reading the marks of an emperor on your person I am moved with great<br />

pity.î ìListen, O great sage: there is a king named Pratåpabhånu; I am his minister.<br />

Ranging in pursuit of game I have lost my way and by great good fortune I have been<br />

led into your presence. Your sight is a rare boon to me; it leads me to believe that<br />

something good is about to befall me.î The hermit said, ìIt is now dusk, my son; and your<br />

city is five hundred and sixty miles away. (1ó4)<br />

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’‚„ÈU •Ê¡È •‚ ¡ÊÁŸ ÃÈê„U ¡Ê∞„ÈU „UÙà Á’„UÊŸH 159 (∑§)H<br />

Do.: niså ghora ga≈bh∂ra bana pa≈tha na sunahu sujåna,<br />

basahu åju asa jåni tumha jåehu hota bihåna.159(A).<br />

ìListen, O friend: dark and dreary is the night, and the forest is dense and<br />

trackless; knowing this, tarry here overnight and depart next morning.î (159 A)<br />

ÃÈ‹‚Ë ¡Á‚ ÷flÃéÿÃÊ ÃÒ‚Ë Á◊‹ß ‚„UÊß–<br />

•Ê¬ÈŸÈ •Êflß ÃÊÁ„U ¬®„U ÃÊÁ„U ÄUÊ° ‹Ò ¡ÊßH 159 (π)H<br />

tulas∂ jasi bhavatabyatå tais∂ milai sahåi,<br />

åpunu åvai tåhi pahiÚ tåhi tahå° lai jåi.159(B).<br />

The inevitable, says Tulas∂dåsa, is invariably preceded by circumstances that are<br />

favourable to it. Either it comes to a man or takes him to the cause of his doom. (159 B)<br />

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