Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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* BÅLA-KÅ°NœA *<br />

151<br />

"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""<br />

chabisamudra hari rµupa bilok∂, eka¢aka rahe nayana pa¢a rok∂.<br />

citavahiÚ sådara rµupa anµupå, tæpti na månahiÚ manu satarµupå.3<br />

haraa bibasa tana daså bhulån∂, pare da≈Œa iva gahi pada pån∂.<br />

sira parase prabhu nija kara ka≈jå, turata u¢håe karunåpu≈jå.4.<br />

His lotus feet, which attract the minds of sages like so many bees, were beyond<br />

description. On His left side shone His primordial energy, S∂tå, who is ever devoted to<br />

Him, and who is a storehouse of beauty and the source of the universe. S∂tå, who stood<br />

to the left of ›r∂ Råma, was the same from a fragment of whose being emanate countless<br />

Lakm∂s, Umås and Brahmåƒ∂s (Sarasvat∂s), all mines of virtues, and the mere play of<br />

whose eyebrows brings the cosmos into existence. On the form of ›r∂ Hari, the ocean<br />

of beauty, Manu and ›atarµupå gazed intently with unblinking eyes. That incomparable<br />

beauty they looked on with reverence and would not feel sated with it. Overcome with<br />

joy they lost consciousness of their body and fell flat on the ground, clasping His feet<br />

with their hands. The gracious Lord touched their heads with His own lotus hands and<br />

lifted them up at once. (1ó4)<br />

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Do.: bole kæpånidhåna puni ati prasanna mohi jåni,<br />

mågahu bara joi bhåva mana mahådåni anumåni.148.<br />

The compassionate Lord then said, ìKnowing that I am highly pleased with you<br />

and recognizing Me as a great donor, ask whatever boon you will.î (148)<br />

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Cau.: suni prabhu bacana jori juga pån∂, dhari dh∂raju bol∂ mædu bån∂.<br />

nåtha dekhi pada kamala tumhåre, aba pµure saba kåma hamåre.1.<br />

eka lålaså baRi ura måh∂°, sugama agama kahi jåti so nåh∂°.<br />

tumhahi deta ati sugama goså∂°, agama låga mohi nija kæpanå∂°.2.<br />

jathå daridra bibudhataru på∂, bahu sa≈pati mågata sakucå∂.<br />

tåsu prabhåu jåna nahiÚ so∂, tathå hædaya° mama sa≈saya ho∂.3.<br />

so tumha jånahu a≈tarajåm∂, puravahu mora manoratha svåm∂.<br />

sakuca bihåi mågu næpa moh∂, more° nahiÚ adeya kachu toh∂.4.<br />

On hearing the words of the Lord, Manu joined his palms and summoning courage<br />

spoke in soft accents, ìNow that we have seen Your lotus feet, all our desires have been<br />

fulfilled. Yet one ardent longing still lingers in my heart. It is easy of accomplishment and

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