Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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* BÅLA-KÅ°NœA *<br />

147<br />

"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""<br />

emaciated bodies and clad in hermitsí robes they daily listened to the Puråƒas in the<br />

assembly of saints. (1ó4)<br />

ŒÙ0ómÊŒ‚ •ë¿U⁄U ◊¢òÊ ¬ÈÁŸ ¡¬®„U ‚Á„Uà •ŸÈ⁄Uʪ–<br />

’Ê‚ÈŒapplefl ¬Œ ¬¢∑§L§„U Œ¢¬Áà ◊Ÿ •Áà ‹ÊªH 143H<br />

Do.: dvådasa acchara ma≈tra puni japahiÚ sahita anuråga,<br />

båsudeva pada pa≈karuha da≈pati mana ati låga.143.<br />

They further devoutly repeated the twelve-lettered formula (˙ Ÿ◊Êapple ÷ªflÃapple flÊ‚ÈŒappleflÊÿ).<br />

Their mind was fondly devoted to the lotus feet of Lord Våsudeva (the all-pervading<br />

Viƒu). (143)<br />

øı0ó∑§⁄U®„U •„UÊ⁄U ‚Ê∑§ »§‹ ∑¢§ŒÊ – ‚ÈÁ◊⁄U®„U ’˝rÊÔ ‚Áìʌʟ¢ŒÊH<br />

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•ªÈŸ •π¢«U •Ÿ¢Ã •ŸÊŒË – ¡appleÁ„U ®øî„U ¬⁄U◊Ê⁄UÕ’ÊŒËH 2H<br />

ŸappleÁà ŸappleÁà ¡appleÁ„U ’appleŒ ÁŸM§¬Ê – ÁŸ¡ÊŸ¢Œ ÁŸL§¬ÊÁœ •ŸÍ¬ÊH<br />

‚¢÷È Á’⁄¢UÁø Á’cŸÈ ÷ªflÊŸÊ– ©U¬¡®„U ¡Ê‚È •¢‚ Ãapple¥ ŸÊŸÊH 3H<br />

∞apple‚apple©U ¬˝÷È ‚applefl∑§ ’‚ •„U߸ – ÷ªÃ „appleUÃÈ ‹Ë‹ÊÃŸÈ ª„U߸H<br />

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Cau.: karahiÚ ahåra såka phala ka≈då, sumirahiÚ brahma saccidåna≈då.<br />

puni hari hetu karana tapa låge, båri adhåra mµula phala tyåge.1.<br />

ura abhilåa nira≈tara ho∂, dekhia nayana parama prabhu so∂.<br />

aguna akha≈Œa ana≈ta anåd∂, jehi ci≈tahiÚ paramårathabåd∂.2.<br />

neti neti jehi beda nirµupå, nijåna≈da nirupådhi anµupå.<br />

sa≈bhu bira≈ci binu bhagavånå, upajahiÚ jåsu a≈sa te° nånå.3.<br />

aiseu prabhu sevaka basa aha∂, bhagata hetu l∂låtanu gaha∂.<br />

jau° yaha bacana satya ‹ruti bhåå, tau hamåra pµujihi abhilåå.4.<br />

They lived on vegetables, fruits and roots and meditated on Brahma (the Absolute),<br />

who is truth, consciousness and bliss combined. Again, they started undergoing<br />

penance for the sake of ›r∂ Hari, giving up roots and fruits for water alone, Their heart<br />

ever clamoured, ìLet us see with our eyes that supreme Lord who is without attributes,<br />

without parts and without beginning or end, who is contemplated upon by the exponents<br />

of the highest reality, whom the Vedas describe in negative terms such as ëNot this, not<br />

thisí, who is bliss itself, unconditioned and without comparison, and from a particle of<br />

whose being emanate a number of ›ambhus, Vira¤cis and Viƒus.î Even such a Lord<br />

is subordinate to the will of His devotees and assumes for their sake a form suitable<br />

for sport. If the above utterance of the Vedas is true, our desire will be surely<br />

accomplished. (1ó4)<br />

ŒÙ0ó∞Á„U Á’Áœ ’ËÃapple ’⁄U· ·≈U ‚„U‚ ’ÊÁ⁄U •Ê„UÊ⁄U–<br />

‚¢’à ‚# ‚„Ud ¬ÈÁŸ ⁄U„appleU ‚◊Ë⁄U •œÊ⁄UH 144H<br />

Do.: ehi bidhi b∂te baraa a¢a sahasa båri åhåra,<br />

sa≈bata sapta sahasra puni rahe sam∂ra adhåra.144.

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