Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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* BÅLA-KÅ°NœA *<br />

145<br />

"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""<br />

Hear, O daughter of the mountain-king, another reason why the unbegotten,<br />

unqualified and formless Brahma became king of Ayodhyå. I shall relate at length the<br />

marvellous story connected with it. The Lord whom you saw roaming in the forest with<br />

His brother (Lakmaƒa) in the garb of hermits, and whose doings drove you mad in the<br />

form of Sat∂ to such an extent that the shadow of that madness haunts you even to this<br />

dayóhear His exploits, which serve as a cure for the disease of delusion. The sportive<br />

deeds that were performed by the Lord in that birth, I shall relate them all to the best of<br />

My talents. Hearing ›a∆karaís words, O Bharadvåja, Umå blushed and smiled with love.<br />

›iva (who has a bull emblazoned on His standard) then began to relate the cause of the<br />

Lordís descent on that particular occasion. (1ó4)<br />

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⁄UÊ◊ ∑§ÕÊ ∑§Á‹ ◊‹ „U⁄UÁŸ ◊¢ª‹ ∑§⁄UÁŸ ‚È„UÊßH 141H<br />

Do.: so maiÚ tumha sana kahau° sabu sunu mun∂sa mana låi,<br />

råma kathå kali mala harani ma≈gala karani suhåi.141.<br />

I proceed to tell you all about it, O Bharadvåja; listen attentively. The story of ›r∂<br />

Råma wipes out all the impurities of the Kali age, brings forth all blessings and is most<br />

charming. (141)<br />

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Cau.: svåya≈bhµu manu aru satarµupå, jinha te° bhai narasæ¢i anµupå.<br />

da≈pati dharama åcarana n∂kå, ajahu° gåva ‹ruti jinha kai l∂kå.1.<br />

næpa uttånapåda suta tåsµu, dhruva hari bhagata bhayau suta jåsµu.<br />

laghu suta nåma priyabrata tåh∂, beda puråna prasa≈sahiÚ jåh∂.2.<br />

devahµuti puni tåsu kumår∂, jo muni kardama kai priya når∂.<br />

ådideva prabhu d∂nadayålå, ja¢hara dhareu jehiÚ kapila kæpålå.3.<br />

så≈khya såstra jinha praga¢a bakhånå, tattva bicåra nipuna bhagavånå.<br />

tehiÚ manu råja k∂nha bahu kålå, prabhu åyasu saba bidhi pratipålå.4.<br />

Swåyambhuva* Manu had ›atarµupå as wife; of them was born this human race,<br />

peerless in Godís creation. The piety and conduct of the pair were excellent; the<br />

standard of morality set up by them is sung by the Vedas even to this day. Their son<br />

* So-called because he was born of Swayambhµu (the self-born Brahmå). It is stated in the Puråƒas<br />

that the Creator divided himself into two halves, one of which was a male and the other a female. The former<br />

was known by the name of Swåyambhuva and the other as ›atarµupå. He was the first of the fourteen Manus<br />

who rule over Godís creation in succession, each holding office for 71.1/2 Caturyugas or repetitions of the four<br />


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