Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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Do.: sµukha håRa lai bhåga sa¢ha svåna nirakhi mægaråja,<br />

ch∂ni lei jani jåna jaRa timi surapatihi na låja.125.<br />

Just as a foolish dog, on seeing a king of beasts, should run away with a dry bone,<br />

fearing in his crass ignorance lest the lion should rob him of it, Indra too in his<br />

shamelessness thought as above. (125)<br />

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Cau.: tehi å‹ramahiÚ madana jaba gayaµu, nija måyå° basa≈ta niramayaµu.<br />

kusumita bibidha bi¢apa bahura≈gå, kµujahiÚ kokila gu≈jahiÚ bhæ≈gå.1.<br />

cal∂ suhåvani tribidha bayår∂, kåma kæsånu baRhåvanihår∂.<br />

ra≈bhådika suranåri nab∂nå, sakala asamasara kalå prab∂nå.2.<br />

karahiÚ gåna bahu tåna tara≈gå, bahubidhi kr∂RahiÚ påni pata≈gå.<br />

dekhi sahåya madana haraånå, k∂nhesi puni prapa≈ca bidhi nånå.3.<br />

kåma kalå kachu munihi na byåp∂, nija bhaya° Œareu manobhava påp∂.<br />

s∂ma ki cå° pi sakai kou tåsµu, baRa rakhavåra ramåpati jåsµu.4.<br />

When the god of love reached that hermitage, he created a semblance of the<br />

vernal season by his illusory power. Many-coloured blossoms appeared on the trees of<br />

different kinds; cuckoos sang and bees hummed. Delightful breezes, cool, soft and<br />

fragrant, blew, fanning the flame of passion. <strong>Ram</strong>bhå and other heavenly damsels, who<br />

looked ever young and were all past masters in amorous sports, sang in undulating<br />

tones of various kinds and sported in many ways, ball in hand. The god of love was<br />

delighted to see his associates there and employed a variety of deceptive tricks. But his<br />

amorous devices had no effect on the sage. Guilty Cupid was now apprehensive of his<br />

own destruction. Can anyone dare to trespass the bounds of him who has the Lord of<br />

Lakm∂ as his great protector. (1ó4)<br />

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Do.: sahita sahåya sabh∂ta ati måni håri mana maina,<br />

gahesi jåi muni carana taba kahi su¢hi årata baina.126.<br />

In dire dismay the god of love with his accomplices acknowledged his defeat and<br />

clasped the sageís feet, addressing him in accents of deep humility. (126)<br />

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