Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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* BÅLA-KÅ°NœA *<br />

117<br />

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Cau.: jau° an∂ha byåpaka bibhu koµu, kahahu bujhåi nåtha mohi soµu.<br />

agya jåni risa ura jani dharahµu, jehi bidhi moha mi¢ai soi karahµu.1.<br />

maiÚ bana d∂khi råma prabhutå∂, ati bhaya bikala na tumhahi sunå∂.<br />

tadapi malina mana bodhu na åvå, so phalu bhal∂ bhå° ti hama påvå.2.<br />

ajahµu° kachu sa≈sau mana more° , karahu kæpå binavau° kara jore°.<br />

prabhu taba mohi bahu bhå° ti prabodhå, nåtha so samujhi karahu jani krodhå.3.<br />

taba kara asa bimoha aba nåh∂°, råmakathå para ruci mana måh∂°.<br />

kahahu pun∂ta råma guna gåthå, bhujagaråja bhµuana suranåthå.4.<br />

ìIf, my lord, there is any other desireless, all-pervading and all-powerful Brahma,<br />

instruct me about the same. Be not angry at my folly, but take steps to wipe out my ignorance.<br />

In the wood (in my previous birth) I witnessed ›r∂ Råmaís glory, although I was too awestricken<br />

to tell You. Yet, my mind was so impure that I did not understand, and I reaped a<br />

good return for my folly. Some doubt still lingers in my mind. Be gracious to me, I implore<br />

You with joined palms. Lord, You instructed me then in ways more than one; yet I did not<br />

understand. Do not allow this thought to anger You. I have no such delusion now; I find<br />

developed in me a taste for hearing the story of Råma. Recount the sacred virtues of ›r∂<br />

Råma, O Lord of immortals, having the serpent-king (›ea) for an ornament.î (1ó4)<br />

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’⁄UŸ„ÈU ⁄UÉÊÈ’⁄U Á’‚Œ ¡‚È üÊÈÁà Á‚h¢Êà ÁŸøÙÁ⁄UH 109H<br />

Do.: ba≈dau° pada dhari dharani siru binaya karau° kara jori,<br />

baranahu raghubara bisada jasu ‹ruti siddhå≈ta nicori.109.<br />

ìPlacing my head on the ground, I adore Your feet and entreat You with joined<br />

palms to recount the unsullied glory of the Chief of Raghus, giving in substance the<br />

conclusion of the revealed texts (the Vedas) on the subject. (109)<br />

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