Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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* BÅLA-KÅ°NœA *<br />

115<br />

"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""<br />

moon and the conch-shell; arms of inordinate length; a hermitís covering, consisting of the<br />

bark of trees, wrapped round His loins; His feet resembling a pair of full-blown red lotuses<br />

and their toe-nails shedding a lustre which dispelled the darkness of the devoteeís heart;<br />

serpents and the ashes serving as ornaments of the Slayer of Tripura and His countenance<br />

eclipsing the splendour even of the autumnal full moon. (1ó4)<br />

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ŸË‹∑¢§∆U ‹ÊflãÿÁŸÁœ ‚Ù„U ’Ê‹Á’œÈ ÷Ê‹H 106H<br />

Do.: ja¢å muku¢a surasarita sira locana nalina bisåla,<br />

n∂laka≈¢ha låvanyanidhi soha bålabidhu bhåla.106.<br />

With His twisted coils of hair for a crown and the celestial stream (the Ga∆gå)<br />

adorning His head, eyes as big as a pair of lotuses, throat dark with poison and with the<br />

crescent shining on His brow, the Lord looked like a veritable mine of beauty. (106)<br />

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Cau.: bai¢he soha kåmaripu kaise° , dhare° sar∂ru så≈tarasu jaise°.<br />

pårabat∂ bhala avasaru jån∂, ga∂° sa≈bhu pahiÚ måtu bhavån∂.1.<br />

jåni priyå ådaru ati k∂nhå, båma bhåga åsanu hara d∂nhå.<br />

bai¢h∂° siva sam∂pa haraå∂, pµuruba janma kathå cita å∂.2.<br />

pati hiya° hetu adhika anumån∂, bihasi umå bol∂° priya bån∂.<br />

kathå jo sakala loka hitakår∂, soi pµuchana caha sailakumår∂.3.<br />

bisvanåtha mama nåtha purår∂, tribhuvana mahimå bidita tumhår∂.<br />

cara aru acara någa nara devå, sakala karahiÚ pada pa≈kaja sevå.4.<br />

Seated there, the Destroyer of Cupid looked like an incarnation of the sentiment<br />

of Quietism. Finding it a good opportunity, Mother Bhavån∂ called on ›ambhu. In<br />

recognition of Her wifely love Lord Hara showed Her great courtesy and assigned Her<br />

a seat on His left side. Pårvat∂ gladly sat down beside ›iva and recalled the history of<br />

Her past life. Presuming that Her lord cherished in His heart greater love for Her than<br />

before, Umå smilingly spoke the following sweet words to Him: the Daughter of Himålaya<br />

sought to elicit from Her lord the story which is profitable to the whole world. ìO Lord of<br />

the universe, O my Master, O slayer of the demon Tripura! Your glory is known to all<br />

the three spheres. Animate as well inanimate beings, Någas, men and gods, all do<br />

homage to Your lotus-feet. (1ó4)<br />

ŒÙ0ó¬˝÷È ‚◊⁄UÕ ‚’¸Çÿ Á‚fl ‚∑§‹ ∑§‹Ê ªÈŸ œÊ◊–<br />

¡Ùª ÇÿÊŸ ’Ò⁄UÊÇÿ ÁŸÁœ ¬˝ŸÃ ∑§‹¬ÃL§ ŸÊ◊H 107H

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