Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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106 *<br />

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energy, which has no beginning; She is ›ambhuís inseparable half. She creates,<br />

maintains and then dissolves the universe and assumes the semblance of a material<br />

form of Her own will. First she was born in the house of Daka. Sat∂ was Her name and<br />

charming was Her form. Even in that incarnation Sat∂ was married with ›a∆kara. The<br />

story is well-known throughout the world. One day, while She was returning home with<br />

›iva, She beheld ›r∂ Råma, who is a sun as it were to the lotus-like race of Raghu.<br />

Bewildered by His sight, She did not listen to ›ivaís advice and was beguiled into<br />

assuming the disguise of S∂tå. (1ó4)<br />

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Cha≈.:siya beu sat∂° jo k∂nha tehiÚ aparådha sa≈kara parihar∂°,<br />

hara biraha° jåi bahori pitu ke° jagya jogånala jar∂°.<br />

aba janami tumhare bhavana nija pati lågi dåruna tapu kiyå,<br />

asa jåni sa≈saya tajahu girijå sarbadå sa≈kara priyå.<br />

ì›a∆kara repudiated Her because She had offended Him by assuming the<br />

disguise of S∂tå. Separated from Hara, She then visited the sacrifice undertaken by Her<br />

father and burnt Herself in the fire of Yoga (meditation) there. Now, reborn in your house,<br />

She has undergone terrible penance for the sake of Her lord. Knowing this, give up all<br />

doubt; Girijå (your daughter) is ever beloved of ›a∆kara.î<br />

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Do.: suni nårada ke bacana taba saba kara mi¢å biåda,<br />

chana mahu° byåpeu sakala pura ghara ghara yaha sa≈båda.98.<br />

When they heard Nåradaís explanation, the sadness of all was dispersed. In a<br />

trice the news spread from house to house throughout the city. (98)<br />

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Cau.: taba mayanå himava≈tu ana≈de, puni puni pårabat∂ pada ba≈de.<br />

nåri purua sisu jubå sayåne, nagara loga saba ati haraåne.1.

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