Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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tumha sahita giri te° girau° påvaka jarau° jalanidhi mahu° parau° ,<br />

gharu jåu apajasu hou jaga j∂vata bibåhu na hau° karau° .<br />

ìHow strange that the Creator, who has made you so lovely, should have given<br />

you a crazy fellow for a bridegroom ! A fruit which should have adorned the wish-yielding<br />

tree is helplessly appearing on a thorny Babµula. Taking you in my arms I would sooner<br />

fall from a mountain-top, cast myself into the flames or drown myself into the sea. Let<br />

my home be ruined and let me earn a bad reputation throughout the world; but in no case<br />

would I marry you with this maniac so long as there is life in me.î<br />

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Do.: bha∂° bikala abalå sakala dukhita dekhi girinåri,<br />

kari bilåpu rodati badati sutå sanehu sa° bhåri.96.<br />

All the ladies assembled there were distressed when they saw the consort of<br />

Himåcala sad. Recalling the affection of her daughter she wailed, wept and exclaimed as<br />

below:ó (96)<br />

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Cau.: nårada kara maiÚ kåha bigårå, bhavanu mora jinha basata ujårå.<br />

asa upadesu umahi jinha d∂nhå, baure barahi lågi tapu k∂nhå.1.<br />

såcehu° unha ke° moha na måyå, udås∂na dhanu dhåmu na jåyå.<br />

para ghara ghålaka låja na bh∂rå, bå°jha ki jåna prasava kai p∂rå.2.<br />

jananihi bikala biloki bhavån∂, bol∂ juta bibeka mædu bån∂.<br />

asa bicåri socahi mati måtå, so na ¢arai jo racai bidhåtå.3.<br />

karama likhå jau° båura nåhµu, tau kata dosu lagåia kåhµu.<br />

tumha sana mi¢ahiÚ ki bidhi ke a≈kå, måtu byartha jani lehu kala≈kå.4.<br />

ìWhat harm have I done to Nårada that he should have ruined my happy home<br />

and tendered such advice to Umå as made her undergo penance for securing a crazy<br />

husband? In good sooth the sage is passionless and without affection; he has no wealth,<br />

no dwelling and no wife and is indifferent to all. That is why he destroys othersí homes.<br />

He has neither shame nor fear. What does a barren woman know of the pains of<br />

childbirth?î Seeing Her mother distressed, Bhavån∂ addressed the following soft yet<br />

prudent words to her. ìWhatever is ordained by Providence cannot be altered. Realizing<br />

this be not worried, mother. If I am destined to have a crazy husband, why should<br />

anyone be blamed for it? Can you alter the decree of Providence? Therefore, take no<br />

reproach on you unnecessarily.î (1ó4)

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