Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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BÅLA-KÅ°NœA *<br />

95<br />

Do.: aba te° rati tava nåtha kara hoihi nåmu ana≈gu,<br />

binu bapu byåpihi sabahi puni sunu nija milana prasa≈gu.87.<br />

ìHenceforth, O Rati, your husband shall be called by the name of Ana∆ga<br />

(bodiless); he shall dominate all even without a body. Now hear how you will meet him<br />

again. (87)<br />

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Cau.: jaba jaduba≈sa kæna avatårå, hoihi harana mahå mahibhårå.<br />

kæna tanaya hoihi pati torå, bacanu anyathå hoi na morå.1.<br />

rati gavan∂ suni sa≈kara bån∂, kathå apara aba kahau° bakhån∂.<br />

devanha samåcåra saba påe, brahmådika baiku≈¢ha sidhåe.2.<br />

saba sura binu bira≈ci sametå, gae jahå° siva kæpåniketå.<br />

pæthaka pæthaka tinha k∂nhi prasa≈så, bhae prasanna ca≈dra avata≈så.3.<br />

bole kæpåsi≈dhu bæaketµu, kahahu amara åe kehi hetµu.<br />

kaha bidhi tumha prabhu a≈tarajåm∂, tadapi bhagati basa binavau° svåm∂.4.<br />

ìWhen ›r∂ Kæƒa will descend in the line of Yadu to relieve the earth of its heavy<br />

burden, your lord will be born again as His son (Pradyumna); this prediction of Mine can<br />

never be untrue.î Hearing the words of ›a∆kara, Rati went away. I now proceed to relate<br />

the subsequent part of the story. When Brahmå (the Creator) and the other gods<br />

received all the tidings, they repaired to Vaikuƒ¢ha (the abode of God Viƒu). Thence all<br />

the gods, including Viƒu and Vira¤c∂ (Brahmå), went where the all-merciful ›iva was.<br />

They severally extolled and won the pleasure of the Lord whose crest is adorned by the<br />

crescent. ›iva, who is an ocean of compassion and has a bull emblazoned on His<br />

standard, said, ìTell me, immortals, what has brought you here?î To this Brahmå replied,<br />

ìLord, You are the inner controller of all; even then, my master, my devotion to You urges<br />

me to make the following submissionó (1ó4)<br />

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ÁŸ¡ ŸÿŸÁã„ UŒappleπÊ ø„U®„U ŸÊÕ ÃÈê„UÊ⁄U Á’’Ê„ÈUH 88H<br />

Do.: sakala suranha ke hædaya° asa sa≈kara parama uchåhu,<br />

nija nayananhi dekhå cahahiÚ nåtha tumhåra bibåhu.88.<br />

ìThe heart of all the immortals is seized with a dominating impulse. They long to<br />

witness Your wedding with their own eyes, my lord. (88)<br />

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