Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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1096 *<br />

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so dhana dhanya prathama gati jåk∂, dhanya punya rata mati soi påk∂.<br />

dhanya ghar∂ soi jaba satasa≈gå, dhanya janma dvija bhagati abha≈gå.4.<br />

He alone is omniscient and accomplished, he alone is wise, he alone is an<br />

ornament of the globe, learned and munificent, he alone is pious and he the saviour of<br />

his race, whose mind is devoted to the feet of ›r∂ Råma. He alone is perfect in correct<br />

behaviour and most sagacious, he alone has thoroughly grasped the conclusion of the<br />

Vedas, and he alone is a seer, a man of erudition, and staunch in battle, who adores the<br />

Hero of Raghuís line in a guileless spirit. Blessed is the land where flows the celestial<br />

stream (the Ga∆gå); blessed the wife who observes a vow of fidelity to her husband.<br />

Blessed is the monarch who administers justice; blessed the Bråhmaƒa who swerves<br />

not from his duty. Blessed is the wealth which is used to the best advantage;* blessed<br />

is the intellect and ripe too, which is devoted to pious acts. Blessed is the hour which<br />

is spent in communion with saints; blessed the birth in which one practises unceasing<br />

devotion to the twice-born (the Bråhmaƒas). (1ó4)<br />

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Do.: so kula dhanya umå sunu jagata pµujya supun∂ta,<br />

‹r∂raghub∂ra paråyana jehiÚ nara upaja bin∂ta.127.<br />

Listen, Umå : blessed is the family, worthy of adoration for the whole world and<br />

most hallowed too, in which is born an humble devotee of the illustrious Råma (the Hero<br />

of Raghuís line) . (127)<br />

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Cau.: mati anurµupa kathå maiÚ bhå∂, jadyapi prathama gupta kari råkh∂.<br />

tava mana pr∂ti dekhi adhikå∂, taba maiÚ raghupati kathå sunå∂.1.<br />

yaha na kahia sa¢hah∂ ha¢has∂lahi, jo mana låi na suna hari l∂lahi.<br />

kahia na lobhihi krodhihi kåmihi, jo na bhajai sacaråcara svåmihi.2.<br />

dvija drohihi na sunåia kabahµu° , surapati sarisa hoi næpa jabahµu° .<br />

råma kathå ke tei adhikår∂, jinha ke° satasa≈gati ati pyår∂.3.<br />

gura pada pr∂ti n∂ti rata je∂, dvija sevaka adhikår∂ te∂.<br />

tå kaha° yaha bisea sukhadå∂, jåhi prånapriya ‹r∂raghurå∂.4.<br />

* Wealth invariably meets with one of the following three fates: it is either devoted to some charitable<br />

purpose, squandered away on luxury and enjoyment or lost. Evidently the first of these is the best use of it. The<br />

wealth of the miser who neither devotes it to the service of the needy, nor spends it on his own comforts meets<br />

with the third, which is the worst fate.

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