Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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1092 *<br />

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you have done me a unique favour, my lord, in that you asked me to repeat the most<br />

sacred story of ›r∂ Råma, which delights the soul of sages like ›uka, Sanaka and<br />

others, as well as of Lord ›ambhu. The fellowship of saints is difficult to get in this world,<br />

be it for the twinkling of an eye or for half an hour even for once. Ponder in your heart,<br />

GaruŒa, and see for yourself whether I am competent in anyway to worship the Hero of<br />

Raghuís line. The vilest of birds and impure in everyway as I was, the Lord has made<br />

me known as a purifier of the world. (1ó4)<br />

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Do.: åju dhanya maiÚ dhanya ati jadyapi saba bidhi h∂na,<br />

nija jana jåni råma mohi sa≈ta samågama d∂na.123(A).<br />

nåtha jathåmati bhåeu° råkheu° nahiÚ kachu goi,<br />

carita si≈dhu raghunåyaka thåha ki påvai koi.123(B).<br />

Though vile in everyway, I am blessed, most blessed today, in that ›r∂ Råma has<br />

acknowledged me as one of His own servants and therefore vouchsafed to me the<br />

fellowship of a saint (like you). My lord, I have spoken to the best of my ability and have<br />

concealed nothing. But the story of ›r∂ Råma (the Lord of the Raghus) is vast as an<br />

ocean: can anyone find the bottom of it ? (123 A-B)<br />

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Cau.: sumiri råma ke guna gana nånå, puni puni haraa bhusu≈Œi sujånå.<br />

mahimå nigama neti kari gå∂, atulita bala pratåpa prabhutå∂.1.<br />

siva aja pµujya carana raghurå∂, mo para kæpå parama mædulå∂.<br />

asa subhåu kahu° sunau° na dekhau° , kehi khagesa raghupati sama lekhau° .2.<br />

sådhaka siddha bimukta udås∂, kabi kobida kætagya sa≈nyås∂.<br />

jog∂ sµura sutåpasa gyån∂, dharma nirata pa≈Œita bigyån∂.3.<br />

tarahiÚ na binu see° mama svåm∂, råma namåmi namåmi namåm∂.<br />

sarana gae° mo se agha rås∂, hohiÚ suddha namåmi abinås∂.4.<br />

The wise Kåkabhu‹uƒŒi rejoiced again and again as he pondered ›r∂ Råmaís<br />

manifold virtues. That I should enjoy the grace of ›r∂ Råma (the Lord of the Raghus),<br />

whose glory is sung by the Vedas only in negative terms as ìnot that,î whose might,

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