Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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jau° prabhu hoi prasanna bara dehµu, mo para karahu kæpå aru nehµu.<br />

mana bhåvata bara mågau° svåm∂, tumha udåra ura a≈tarajåm∂.4.<br />

óOr spiritual wisdom, critical judgment, dispassion, realization and numerous<br />

other virtues which cannot be easily attained in this world even by the sagesótoday I<br />

am prepared to give you all undoubtedly; therefore, ask whatever pleases your mind. On<br />

hearing the words of the Lord I was overwhelmed with love and began to reason thus<br />

within myself : ìThe Lord, it is true, has promised to give me all kinds of blessings; but<br />

He did not offer to grant me devotion to His own feet. Without such devotion all sorts of<br />

virtues and blessings are like so many auxiliary dishes without salt. Of what avail is any<br />

blessing without adoration.î Pondering thus, O king of the birds, I replied as follows : ìIf<br />

it is Your pleasure, my lord, to grant me a boon and if You are kind and affectionate to<br />

me, I ask my cherished boon, O master; for You are generous and know the secrets of<br />

all hearts.î (1ó4)<br />

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Do.: abirala bhagati bisuddha tava ‹ruti puråna jo gåva,<br />

jehi khojata jog∂sa muni prabhu prasåda kou påva.84(A).<br />

bhagata kalpataru pranata hita kæpå si≈dhu sukha dhåma,<br />

soi nija bhagati mohi prabhu dehu dayå kari råma.84(B).<br />

ìO my lord, ›r∂ Råma, tree of paradise to the devotee, friend of the suppliant,<br />

ocean of compassion and abode of bliss, in Your mercy grant me that devotion to Your<br />

feet, uninterrupted, and unalloyed, which the Vedas and Puråƒas extol, which is sought<br />

after by Sages and great Yog∂s (contemplative mystics) but attained by few and that too<br />

by the Lordís grace.î (84 A-B)<br />

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Cau.: evamastu kahi raghukulanåyaka, bole bacana parama sukhadåyaka.<br />

sunu båyasa taiÚ sahaja sayånå, kåhe na mågasi asa baradånå.1.<br />

saba sukha khåni bhagati taiÚ måg∂, nahiÚ jaga kou tohi sama baRabhåg∂.<br />

jo muni ko¢i jatana nahiÚ lahah∂°, je japa joga anala tana dahah∂°.2.<br />

r∂jheu° dekhi tori caturå∂, mågehu bhagati mohi ati bhå∂.<br />

sunu biha≈ga prasåda aba more° , saba subha guna basihahiÚ ura tore° .3.

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