Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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UTTARA-KÅ°NœA *<br />

1021<br />

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∑È¢§÷∑§⁄UŸ ÉÊŸŸÊŒ ∑§⁄U ’‹ ¬ıL§· ‚¢ÉÊÊ⁄UH 67 (π)H<br />

Do.: setu bå° dhi kapi sena jimi utar∂ sågara påra,<br />

gayau bas∂¢h∂ b∂rabara jehi bidhi bålikumåra.67(A).<br />

nisicara k∂sa larå∂ baranisi bibidhi prakåra,<br />

ku≈bhakarana ghananåda kara bala paurua sa≈ghåra.67(B).<br />

Bhu‹uƒŒi then narrated how after building a bridge across the ocean the monkey<br />

host crossed over to the other side and how the most heroic son of Våli went as an<br />

envoy to Råvaƒa. He further described the conflict between the demons and the<br />

monkeys in all its phases, and in course of it the might and valour, and eventually the<br />

destruction, of Kumbhakarƒa and Meghanåda. (67 A-B)<br />

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Cau.: nisicara nikara marana bidhi nånå, raghupati råvana samara bakhånå.<br />

råvana badha ma≈dodari sokå, råja bibh∂ana deva asokå.1.<br />

s∂tå raghupati milana bahor∂, suranha k∂nhi astuti kara jor∂.<br />

puni pupaka caRhi kapinha sametå, avadha cale prabhu kæpå niketå.2.<br />

jehi bidhi råma nagara nija åe, båyasa bisada carita saba gåe.<br />

kahesi bahori råma abhiekå, pura baranata næpan∂ti anekå.3.<br />

kathå samasta bhusu≈Œa bakhån∂, jo maiÚ tumha sana kah∂ bhavån∂.<br />

suni saba råma kathå khaganåhå, kahata bacana mana parama uchåhå.4.<br />

The crow then told about the extermination of the demon host and the various phases<br />

of the combat between the Lord of the Raghus and Råvaƒa, Råvaƒaís death and Mandodar∂ís<br />

lament, the enthronement of Vibh∂aƒa, the cessation of the godsí sorrow and S∂tåís reunion<br />

with the Lord of the Raghus. He further narrated how the gods with joined palms hymned<br />

the Lordís praises, how the All-merciful Lord then mounted the aerial car known by the<br />

name of Pupaka alongwith the monkeys and flew to Ayodhyå and how ›r∂ Råma arrived<br />

at His own capital and all such holy doings. He then told of ›r∂ Råmaís coronation and also<br />

described the city and all its kingly polity. In this way Bhu‹uƒŒi narrated the whole story as<br />

I have already told you, Bhavån∂. When he heard the whole of ›r∂ Råmaís narrative, GaruŒaís<br />

mind was filled with rapture and he spoke as follows:ó (1ó4)

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