Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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1018 *<br />

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ìListen, dear one : the object for which I came has already been fully accomplished<br />

and I have also had the privilege of seeing you. At the very sight of your most holy<br />

hermitage my infatuation, doubt and many misconceptions have been removed. Now, dear<br />

one, narrate to me with due reverence the most sacred story of ›r∂ Råma, which is ever<br />

delightful and a cure for all sufferings. This is what I beg of you again and again.î The<br />

moment Bhu‹uƒŒi heard GaruŒaís prayer, humble, sincere, loving; delightful and pious, a<br />

supreme joy diffused over his soul and he commenced recounting the virtues of ›r∂ Råma<br />

(the Lord of the Raghus). First of all, with fervent devotion, O Bhavån∂, he gave an<br />

elaborate description of the lake of ›r∂ Råmaís exploits. Next he told about Nåradaís terrible<br />

infatuation and then of Råvaƒaís incarnation. Thereafter he sang the story of the Lordís<br />

descent and then recounted with deep interest His childlike sports. (1ó5)<br />

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Do.: bålacarita kahi bibidhi bidhi mana maha° parama uchåha.<br />

rii ågavana kahesi puni ‹r∂raghub∂ra bibåha.64.<br />

After narrating His boyish sports of various kinds with the utmost rapture of soul<br />

he told of the sageís (Vi‹våmitraís) arrival and thereafter of ›r∂ Råmaís wedding. (64)<br />

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Cau.: bahuri råma abhieka prasa≈gå, puni næpa bacana råja rasa bha≈gå.<br />

purabåsinha kara biraha biådå, kahesi råma lachimana sa≈bådå.1.<br />

bipina gavana keva¢a anurågå, surasari utari nivåsa prayågå.<br />

bålam∂ka prabhu milana bakhånå, citrakµu¢a jimi base bhagavånå.2.<br />

sacivågavana nagara næpa maranå, bharatågavana prema bahu baranå.<br />

kari næpa kriyå sa≈ga purabås∂, bharata gae jaha° prabhu sukha rås∂.3.<br />

puni raghupati bahubidhi samujhåe, lai pådukå avadhapura åe.<br />

bharata rahani surapati suta karan∂, prabhu aru atri bhe°¢a puni baran∂.4.<br />

Then he narrated the episode of ›r∂ Råmaís projected installaion (as the Prince-<br />

Regent of Ayodhyå) and after that he spoke of the sudden interruption in the festivities<br />

connected with the installation due to King Da‹arathaís solemn pledge (to Kaikey∂), as well<br />

as of the citizensí agony at Råmaís parting. He then reproduced the dialogue between<br />

›r∂ Råma and Lakmaƒa and further described their journey to the forest, the devotion of<br />

the boatman and their ferrying across the celestial stream (Ga∆gå) and halt at Prayåga.<br />

He further described the Lordís meeting with the sage Vålm∂ki and how the divine ›r∂ Råma<br />

sojourned at Citrakµu¢a. Again, he then told of the ministerís (Sumantraís) return to the

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