Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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and departed with joy. Umå, I did not instruct him myself, because by the grace of ›r∂<br />

Råma (the Lord of the Raghus) I had come to know the secret (of GaruŒaís infatuation).<br />

He must have given vent to his pride on some ocassion and the All-merciful evidently<br />

wished to cure him of it. Partly there was another reason why I did not detain him; a bird<br />

can follow the language of a bird alone. My lordís Måyå, Bhavån∂, is formidable; who is<br />

there so wise as not to be beguiled by it?î (1ó5)<br />

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Do.: gyån∂ bhagata siromani tribhuvanapati kara jåna,<br />

tåhi moha måyå nara påva° ra karahiÚ gumåna.62(A).<br />

Even GaruŒa, the very crest-jewel of devotees and enlightened souls and the<br />

mount of Lord Viƒu (the sovereign of the three spheres), was deluded by Måyå how<br />

absurd, then, the poor mortals vaunt their immunity from it. (62 A)<br />


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•‚ Á¡ÿ° ¡ÊÁŸ ÷¡®„U ◊ÈÁŸ ◊ÊÿÊ ¬Áà ÷ªflÊŸH 62 (π)H<br />

siva bira≈ci kahu° mohai ko hai bapurå åna,<br />

asa jiya° jåni bhajahiÚ muni måyå pati bhagavåna.62(B).<br />

The Lordís Måyå beguiles even ›iva and Brahmå; of what account in any poor<br />

creature? Bearing this in mind, the sages adore the divine Lord of Måyå. (62 B)<br />

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Cau.: gayau garuRa jaha° basai bhusu≈Œå, mati aku≈¢ha hari bhagati akha≈Œå.<br />

dekhi saila prasanna mana bhayaµu, måyå moha soca saba gayaµu.1.<br />

kari taRåga majjana jalapånå, ba¢a tara gayau hædaya° haraånå.<br />

bæddha bæddha biha≈ga taha° åe, sunai råma ke carita suhåe.2.<br />

kathå ara≈bha karai soi cåhå, teh∂ samaya gayau khaganåhå.<br />

åvata dekhi sakala khagaråjå, haraeu båyasa sahita samåjå.3.<br />

ati ådara khagapati kara k∂nhå, svågata pµuchi suåsana d∂nhå.<br />

kari pµujå sameta anurågå, madhura bacana taba boleu kågå.4.<br />

GaruŒa went to the abode of Bhu‹uƒŒi (Kåkabhu‹uƒŒi) of unhampered intellect and

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