Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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‚Ù ∑Χà ÁŸ¢Œ∑§ ◊¢Œ◊Áà •Êà◊Ê„UŸ ªÁà ¡ÊßH 44H<br />

Do.: jo na tarai bhava sågara nara samåja asa påi,<br />

so kæta ni≈daka ma≈damati åtmåhana gati jåi.44.<br />

ìThe man who, though equipped with all these resources, fails to cross the ocean of<br />

metempsychosis is ungrateful and dull-witted and meets the fate of a self-murderer.î (44)<br />

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Cau.: jau° paraloka ihå° sukha cahahµu, suni mama bacana hædaya° dæRha gahahµu.<br />

sulabha sukhada måraga yaha bhå∂, bhagati mori puråna ‹ruti gå∂.1.<br />

gyåna agama pratyµuha anekå, sådhana ka¢hina na mana kahu° ¢ekå.<br />

karata ka¢a bahu påvai koµu, bhakti h∂na mohi priya nahiÚ soµu.2.<br />

bhakti suta≈tra sakala sukha khån∂, binu satasa≈ga na påvahiÚ prån∂.<br />

punya pu≈ja binu milahiÚ na sa≈tå, satasa≈gati sa≈sæti kara a≈tå.3.<br />

punya eka jaga mahu° nahiÚ dµujå, mana krama bacana bipra pada pµujå.<br />

sånukµula tehi para muni devå, jo taji kapa¢u karai dvija sevå.4.<br />

ìIf you seek happiness here as well as hereafter, listen to My words and imprint<br />

them deeply in your heart. It is an easy and pleasant road, brethren, that of devotion to<br />

My feet, extolled in the Puråƒas and Vedas. Gnosis is difficult to attain and beset with<br />

numerous obstacles. The path is rugged and there is no solid ground for the mind to rest<br />

on. Scarcely one attains it after a hard struggle; yet, lacking in Devotion, the man fails to<br />

win My love. Devotion is independent and a mine of all blessings; men, however, cannot<br />

attain it except through the fellowship of saints. Saints for their part are inaccessible without<br />

a stock of merit; communion with the Lordís devotees in any case brings to an end the<br />

cycle of births and deaths. There is only one meritorious act in this world and no otheró<br />

to adore the feet of the Bråhmaƒas by thought, word and deed. The sages and gods are<br />

propitious to him who guilelessly serves the twice-born (the Bråhmaƒas).î (1ó4)<br />

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‚¢∑§⁄U ÷¡Ÿ Á’ŸÊ Ÿ⁄U ÷ªÁà Ÿ ¬Êflß ◊ÙÁ⁄UH 45H<br />

Do.: aurau eka guputa mata sabahi kahau° kara jori,<br />

sa≈kara bhajana binå nara bhagati na påvai mori.45.<br />

ìWith joined palms I lay before you all another secret doctrine: without adoring<br />

›a∆kara (Lord ›iva) man cannot attain devotion to Me.î (45)

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