Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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ìFor this reason sandalwood (in the form of paste) finds its way to the head of<br />

gods (their images) and is loved by the world so much; while the axe has its steel edge<br />

heated in the fire and beaten with a hammer as punishment.î (37)<br />

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Cau.: biaya ala≈pa¢a s∂la gunåkara, para dukha dukha sukha sukha dekhe para.<br />

sama abhµutaripu bimada biråg∂, lobhåmaraa haraa bhaya tyåg∂.1.<br />

komalacita d∂nanha para dåyå, mana baca krama mama bhagati amåyå.<br />

sabahi månaprada åpu amån∂, bharata pråna sama mama te prån∂.2.<br />

bigata kåma mama nåma paråyana, så≈ti birati binat∂ muditåyana.<br />

s∂talatå saralatå mayatr∂, dvija pada pr∂ti dharma janayatr∂.3.<br />

e saba lacchana basahiÚ jåsu ura, jånehu tåta sa≈ta sa≈tata phura.<br />

sama dama niyama n∂ti nahiÚ ŒolahiÚ, parua bacana kabahµu° nahiÚ bolahiÚ.4.<br />

ìSaints as a rule have no hankering for the pleasures of sense and are the very<br />

mines of amiability and other virtues. They grieve to see others in distress and rejoice<br />

at the sight of othersí joy. They are even-minded and look upon none as their enemy.<br />

Free from vanity and passion, they are conquerers of greed, anger, joy and fear. Tender<br />

of heart and compassionate to the distressed, they cherish guileless devotion to Me in<br />

thought, word and deed; and giving honour to all, they are modest themselves. Such<br />

souls, Bharata, are dear to Me as life. Having no interested motive of their own they are<br />

devoted to My Name and are abodes of tranquillity, dispassion, humility and good<br />

humour. Again, know him for all time, dear brother, a genuine saint, whose heart is a<br />

home of all such noble qualities as placidity, guilelessness, friendliness and devotion to<br />

the feet of the Bråhmaƒas, which is the fountain of all virtues. They never swerve from<br />

the control of their mind and senses, religious observances and correct behaviour and<br />

never utter a harsh word.î (1ó4)<br />

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Do.: ni≈då astuti ubhaya sama mamatå mama pada ka≈ja,<br />

te sajjana mama prånapriya guna ma≈dira sukha pu≈ja.38.<br />

ìThey who regard both obloquy and praise alike and who claim My lotus feet as<br />

their only possessionósuch saintly souls are dear to Me as life and are veritable abodes<br />

of noble qualities and embodiments of bliss.î (38)<br />

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