Shatter-Me-PDF-Shatter-Me-Series-Shatter-Me-Shatter-Me-1-Tahereh-Mafi (1)

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He ignores my question. “The mechanics of fear are simple

enough. People are intimidated by me, so they listen when I

speak.” He waves a hand. “Empty threats are worth very

little these days.”

I squeeze my eyes shut. “So you kill people for power.”

“As do you.”

“How dare you—”

He laughs, loud. “You’re free to lie to yourself, if it makes

you feel better.”

“I am not lying—”

“Why did it take you so long to break your connection with


My mouth freezes in place.

“Why didn’t you fight back right away? Why did you allow

him to touch you for as long as he did?”

My hands have begun to shake and I grip them, hard. “You

don’t know anything about me.”

“And yet you claim to know me so well.”

I clench my jaw, not trusting myself to speak.

“At least I’m honest,” he adds.

“You just agreed you’re a liar!”

He raises his eyebrows. “At least I’m honest about being a


I slam the glass of water on the side table. Drop my head

in my hands. Try to stay calm. Take a steadying breath.

“Well,” I rasp, “why do you need me, then? If you’re such an

excellent murderer?”

A smile flickers and fades across his face. “One day I’ll

introduce you to the answer to that question.”

I try to protest but he stops me with one hand. Picks up a

piece of bread from the plate. Holds it under my nose. “You

hardly ate anything at dinner. That can’t possibly be


I don’t move.

He drops the bread on the plate and drops the plate beside

the water. Turns to me. Studies my eyes with such intensity

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