Shatter-Me-PDF-Shatter-Me-Series-Shatter-Me-Shatter-Me-1-Tahereh-Mafi (1)

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“You can kill me,” I tell him. “You have guns—” I’m

wriggling out of his grip and he tightens his hold around my

body. His face shows no emotion but a sudden strain in his

jaw, an unmistakable tension in his arms. “You can just kill

me—” I plead.

“Juliette.” His voice is solid with an edge of desperation.


I’m numb again. Powerless all over again. Melting from

within, life seeping out of my limbs.

We’re standing in front of a door.

Adam takes a key card and swipes it against a black pane

of glass fitted into the small space beside the handle, and

the stainless steel door slides out of place. We step inside.

We’re all alone in a new room.

“Please don’t let go of me put me down,” I tell him.

There’s a queen-size bed in the middle of the space, lush

carpet gracing the floors, an armoire flush against the wall,

light fixtures glittering from the ceiling. The beauty is so

tainted I can’t stand the sight of it. Adam gentles me onto

the soft mattress and takes a small step backward.

“You’ll be staying here for a while, I think,” is all he says.

I squeeze my eyes shut. I don’t want to think about the

inevitable torture awaiting me. “Please,” I tell him. “I’d like

to be left alone.”

A deep sigh. “That’s not exactly an option.”

“What do you mean?” I spin around.

“I have to watch you, Juliette.” He says my name like a

whisper. My heart my heart my heart. “Warner wants you to

understand what he’s offering you, but you’re still

considered . . . a threat. He’s made you my assignment. I

can’t leave.”

I don’t know whether to be thrilled or horrified. I’m

horrified. “You have to live with me?”

“I live in the barracks on the opposite end of this building.

With the other soldiers. But, yeah.” He clears his throat.

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