Shatter-Me-PDF-Shatter-Me-Series-Shatter-Me-Shatter-Me-1-Tahereh-Mafi (1)

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a glance before smiling at me. “But don’t worry, he doesn’t

know what you’re capable of. Not yet, anyway.”

I claw at the panic, I swallow the agony, I beg myself not

to look in his direction but I fail I fail I fail. Adam meets my

eyes in the same split second I meet his but he looks away

so quickly I’m not sure if I imagined it.

I am a monster.

“I’m not as cruel as you think,” Warner continues, a

musical lilt in his voice. “If you’re so fond of his company I

can make this”—he gestures between myself and Adam—“a

permanent assignment.”

“No,” I breathe.

Warner curves his lips into a careless grin. “Oh yes. But be

careful, pretty girl. If you do something . . . bad . . . he’ll

have to shoot you.”

There are wire cutters carving holes in my heart. Adam

doesn’t react to anything Warner says.

He is doing a job.

I am a number, a mission, an easily replaceable object; I

am not even a memory in his mind.

I am nothing.

I didn’t expect his betrayal to bury me so deep.

“If you accept my offer,” Warner interrupts my thoughts,

“you will live like I do. You will be one of us, and not one of

them. Your life will change forever.”

“And if I do not accept?” I ask, catching my voice before it

cracks in fear.

Warner looks genuinely disappointed. His hands are

clasped together in dismay. “You don’t really have a choice.

If you stand by my side you will be rewarded.” He presses

his lips together. “But if you choose to disobey? Well . . . I

think you look rather lovely with all your body parts intact,

don’t you?”

I’m breathing so hard my frame is shaking. “You want me

to torture people for you?”

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