Shatter-Me-PDF-Shatter-Me-Series-Shatter-Me-Shatter-Me-1-Tahereh-Mafi (1)

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His crooked smile is calculated evil.

He’s sitting on what he imagines to be a throne but is

nothing more than a chair at the front of an empty room. His

suit is perfectly pressed, his blond hair expertly combed, his

soldiers the ideal bodyguards.

I hate him.

“You’re so stubborn.” His green eyes are almost

translucent. “You never want to cooperate. You wouldn’t

even play nice with your cellmate.”

I flinch without intending to. The burn of betrayal blushes

up my neck.

Green Eyes looks unexpectedly amused and I’m suddenly

mortified. “Well isn’t that interesting.” He snaps his fingers.

“Kent, would you step forward, please.”

My heart stops beating when Adam comes into view. Kent.

His name is Adam Kent.

I am aflame from head to toe. Adam flanks Green Eyes in

an instant, but only offers a curt nod of his head as a salute.

Perhaps the leader isn’t nearly as important as he thinks.

“Sir,” he says.

So many thoughts are tangling in my head I can’t untie the

insanity knotting itself together. I should’ve known. I’d heard

rumors of soldiers living among the public in secret,

reporting to the authorities if things seemed suspicious.

Every day people disappeared. No one ever came back.

Though I still can’t understand why Adam was sent to spy

on me.

“It seems you made quite an impression on her.”

I squint closer at the man in the chair only to realize his

suit has been adorned with tiny colored patches. Military

mementos. His last name is etched into the lapel: Warner.

Adam says nothing. He doesn’t look in my direction. His

body is erect, 6 feet of gorgeous lean muscle, his profile

strong and steady. The same arms that held my body are

now holsters for lethal weapons.

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