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Adam is pointing a gun at my chest.

Adam is pointing a gun at my chest.

His eyes are foreign to me, glassy and distant, far, far


I am nothing but novocaine. I am numb, a world of

nothing, all feeling and emotion gone forever.

I am a whisper that never was.

Adam is a soldier. Adam wants me to die.

I stare at him openly now, every sensation amputated, my

pain a distant scream disconnected from my body. My feet

move forward of their own accord; my lips remain shut

because there will never be words for this moment.

Death would be a welcome release from these earthly joys

I’ve known.

I don’t know how long I’ve been walking before another

blow to my back cripples me. I blink against the brightness

of light I haven’t seen in so long. My eyes begin to tear and

I’m squinting against the fluorescent bulbs illuminating the

large space. I can hardly see anything.

“Juliette Ferrars.” A voice detonates my name. There’s a

heavy boot pressed into my back and I can’t lift my head to

distinguish who’s speaking to me. “Weston, dim the lights

and release her. I want to see her face.” The command is

cool and strong like steel, dangerously calm, effortlessly


The brightness is reduced to a level I’m able to tolerate.

The imprint of a boot is carved into my back but no longer

settled on my skin. I lift my head and look up.

I’m immediately struck by his youth. He can’t be much

older than me.

It’s obvious he’s in charge of something, though I have no

idea what. His skin is flawless, unblemished, his jawline

sharp and strong. His eyes are the palest shade of emerald

I’ve ever seen.

He’s beautiful.

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