Shatter-Me-PDF-Shatter-Me-Series-Shatter-Me-Shatter-Me-1-Tahereh-Mafi (1)

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doesn’t know I’m a monster my secret. I wonder how long

this will last before he’s running for his life.

I’ve forgotten to answer and he’s still studying me.

I tuck a piece of hair behind my ear only to change my

mind. “Why do you stare so much?”

His eyes are careful, curious. “I figured the only reason

they would lock me up with a girl was because you were

crazy. I thought they were trying to torture me by putting

me in the same space as a psychopath. I thought you were

my punishment.”

“That’s why you stole my bed.” To exert power. To stake a

claim. To fight first.

He drops his eyes. Clasps and unclasps his hands before

rubbing the back of his neck. “Why’d you help me? How’d

you know I wouldn’t hurt you?”

I count my fingers to make sure they’re still there. “I


“You didn’t help me or you didn’t know if I’d hurt you?”

“Adam.” My lips curve around the shape of his name. I’m

surprised to discover how much I love the easy, familiar way

the sound rolls off my tongue.

He’s sitting almost as still as I am. His eyes are pulled

together with a new kind of emotion I can’t place. “Yeah?”

“What’s it like?” I ask, each word quieter than the one

before. “Outside?” In the real world. “Is it worse?”

An ache mars the features of his finely chiseled face. It

takes him a few heartbeats to answer. He glances out the

window. “Honestly? I’m not sure if it’s better to be in here or

out there.”

I follow his eyes to the pane of glass separating us from

reality and I wait for his lips to part; I wait to listen to him

speak. And then I try to pay attention as his words bounce

around in the haze of my head, fogging my senses, misting

my eyes, clouding my concentration.

Did you know it was an international movement? Adam

asks me.

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