Shatter-Me-PDF-Shatter-Me-Series-Shatter-Me-Shatter-Me-1-Tahereh-Mafi (1)

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He reappears just in time to jump out of reach. “HEY—

whoa, careful—just because I’m invisible doesn’t mean I

can’t feel anything—”

“Oh!” I pull back. Cringe. “I’m sorry—”

“You can make yourself invisible?” Adam looks more

irritated than interested.

“Just blew your mind, didn’t I?”

“How long have you been spying on me?” Adam narrows

his eyes.

“As long as I needed to.” But his grin is laced with mischief.

“So you’re . . . corporeal?” I ask.

“Look at you, using big fancy words.” Kenji crosses his

arms. Leans against the wall.

“I mean—you can’t, like, walk through walls or anything,

can you?”

He snorts. “Nah, I’m not a ghost. I can just . . . blend, I

guess is the best word. I can blend into the background of

any space. Shift myself to match my surrounds. It’s taken

me a long time to figure it out.”


“I used to follow Adam home. That’s how I knew where he

lived. And that’s how I was able to run away—because they

couldn’t really see me. They tried to shoot at me anyway,”

he adds, bitter, “but I managed not to die, at least.”

“Wait, but why were you following Adam home? I thought

you were looking for me?” I ask him.

“Yeah—well, I enlisted shortly after we got wind of

Warner’s big project.” He nods in my direction. “We’d been

trying to find you, but Warner had more security clearance

and access to more information than we did—we were

having a hard time tracking you down. Castle thought it

would be easier to have someone on the inside paying

attention to all the crazy shit Warner was planning. So when

I heard that Adam was the main guy involved in this

particular project and that he had this history with you, I

sent the information to Castle. He told me to watch out for

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