Shatter-Me-PDF-Shatter-Me-Series-Shatter-Me-Shatter-Me-1-Tahereh-Mafi (1)

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“He’s playing with the other children.” I think it’s Sara who

says it.

“We just took him on a bathroom break,” says the other.

“Would you like to see him?” Back to Sara.

“There are other children?” My eyes are as wide as my


The girls nod at the same time.

“We’ll go get him,” they chorus. And disappear.

“They seem nice,” Adam says after a moment.

“Yeah. They do.” This whole place seems nice.

Sonya and Sara come back with James, who seems happier

than I’ve ever seen him, almost happier than seeing Adam

for the first time. He’s thrilled to be here. Thrilled to be with

the other kids, thrilled to be with “the pretty girls who take

care of me because they’re so nice and there’s so much

food and they gave me chocolate, Adam—have you ever

tasted chocolate?” and he has a big bed and tomorrow he’s

going to class with the other kids and he’s already excited.

“I’m so happy you’re awake,” he says to Adam, practically

jumping up and down on his bed. “They said you got sick

and that you were resting and now you’re awake so that

means you’re better, right? And we’re safe? I don’t really

remember what happened on our way here,” he admits, a

little embarrassed. “I think I fell asleep.”

I think Adam is looking to break Kenji’s neck at this point.

“Yeah, we’re safe,” Adam tells him, running a hand

through his messy blond hair. “Everything is okay.”

James runs back to the playroom with the other kids.

Sonya and Sara invent an excuse to leave so we have some

privacy. I’m liking them more and more.

“Has anyone told you about this place yet?” Adam asks

me. He manages to sit up. His sheet slides down. His chest

is exposed. His skin is perfectly healed—I can hardly

reconcile the image I have in my memory with the one in

front of me. I forget to answer his question.

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