Shatter-Me-PDF-Shatter-Me-Series-Shatter-Me-Shatter-Me-1-Tahereh-Mafi (1)

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His eyes flutter for just a moment. They don’t open. He

takes a sudden breath and I freeze.

I almost collapse into tears.

“What are you doing?”

My neck snaps at the sound of Castle’s panicked voice.

I drop Adam’s hand. Push away from the bed, eyes wide,

worried. “What do you mean?”

“Why are you—you just—you can touch him—?” I never

thought I’d see Castle so confused, so perplexed. He’s lost

his composure, one arm half extended in an effort to stop


“Of course I can tou—” I stop. Try to stay calm. “Kenji

didn’t tell you?”

“This young man has immunity from your touch?” Castle’s

words are whispered, astonished.

“Yes.” I look from him to Adam, still sound asleep. So does


“That’s . . . astounding.”

“Is it?”

“Very.” Castle’s eyes are bright, so eager. “It certainly isn’t

coincidence. There is no coincidence in these kinds of

situations.” He pauses. Paces. “Fascinating. So many

possibilities—so many theories—” He’s not even talking to

me anymore. His mind is working too quickly for me to keep

up. He takes a deep breath. Seems to remember I’m still in

the room. “My apologies. Please, carry on. The girls will be

out soon—they’re assisting James at the moment. I must

report this new information as soon as possible.”


He looks up. “Yes?”

“You have theories?” I ask him. “You—you know why these

things are happening . . . to me?”

“You mean to us?” Castle offers me a gentle smile.

I try not to blush. I manage to nod.

“We have been doing extensive research for years,” he

says. “We think we have a pretty good idea.”

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