Shatter-Me-PDF-Shatter-Me-Series-Shatter-Me-Shatter-Me-1-Tahereh-Mafi (1)

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and I do something stupid.

I punch the door.

In one instant my mind catches up to my muscle and I

brace myself for the impact of steel on skin, ready to feel

the agony of shattering every bone in my right arm. But my

fist flies through 12 inches of steel like it’s made of butter.

I’m stunned. I harness the same volatile energy and kick my

foot through the door. I use my hands to rip the steel to

shreds, clawing my way through the metal like a wild


It’s incredible. Exhilarating. Completely feral.

This must be how I broke through the concrete in Warner’s

torture chamber. Which means I still have no idea how I

broke through the concrete in Warner’s torture chamber.

I climb through the hole I’ve created and slip into the

shadows. It’s not hard. The entire place is cloaked in

darkness. There are no lights, no sounds of machines or

electricity. Just another abandoned warehouse left to the


I check the floors but there’s no sign of blood. My heart

soars and plummets at the same time. I need him to be

okay. I need him to be alive. Adam is not dead. He can’t be.

Adam promised James he’d come back for him.

He’d never break that promise.

I move slowly at first, wary, worried that there might be

soldiers around, but it doesn’t take long for me to realize

there’s no sound of life in this building. I decide to run.

I tuck caution in my pocket and hope I can reach for it if I

need to. I’m flying through doors, spinning around turns,

drinking in every detail. This building wasn’t just a

warehouse. It was a factory.

Old machines clutter the walls, conveyor belts are frozen

in place, thousands of boxes of inventory stacked

precariously in tall heaps. I hear a small breath, a stifled


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