Shatter-Me-PDF-Shatter-Me-Series-Shatter-Me-Shatter-Me-1-Tahereh-Mafi (1)

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bathroom hallway, holding the makeshift ice pack to his

face. Staring at us.

“You can touch her? I mean—shit, I just saw you touch her

but that’s not even—”

“You have to go,” Adam says to him. “You’ve already left a

chemical trace leading right to my home. We need to leave,

and you can’t come with us.”

“Oh hey—whoa—hold on.” Kenji stumbles into the living

room, wincing as he puts pressure on his leg. “I’m not trying

to slow you down, man. I know a place. A safe place. Like, a

legit, super-safe place. I can take you. I can show you how

to get there. I know a guy.”

“Bullshit.” Adam is still angry. “How did you even find me?

How did you manage to show up at my door, Kenji? I don’t

trust you—”

“I don’t know, man. I swear I don’t remember what

happened. I don’t know where I was running after a certain

point. I was just jumping fences. I found a huge field with an

old shed. Slept in there for a while. I think I blacked out at

one point, either from the pain or from the cold—it is cold as

hell out here—and the next thing I know, some dude is

carrying me. Drops me off at your door. Tells me to shut up

about Adam, because Adam lives right here.” He grins. Tries

to wink. “I guess I was dreaming about you in my sleep.”

“Wait—what?” Adam leans forward. “What do you mean

some guy was carrying you? What guy? What was his

name? How did he know my name?”

“I don’t know. He didn’t tell me, and it’s not like I had the

presence of mind to ask. But dude was huge. I mean, he had

to be if he was going to lug my ass around.”

“You can’t honestly expect me to believe you.”

“You have no choice.” Kenji shrugs.

“Of course I have a choice.” Adam is on his feet. “I have no

reason to trust you. No reason to believe a word that’s

coming out of your mouth.”

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