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circular glow illuminates the view. Adam has a flashlight.

“Hey, James? Why don’t you lead the way for us?”

“Yes, sir!” He skids to a halt in front of Adam’s feet, offers

us an exaggerated salute, and runs off so quickly there’s no

possible way to follow him. I can’t help the smile spreading

across my face.

Adam’s hand slips into mine as we move forward. “You


I squeeze his fingers. “You told your ten-year-old brother

about my magical powers?”

He laughs. “I tell him a lot of things.”



“Isn’t your house the first place Warner will go looking for

you? Isn’t this dangerous?”

“It would be. But according to public records, I don’t have

a home.”

“And your brother?”

“Would be Warner’s first target. It’s safer for him where I

can watch over him. Warner knows I have a brother, he just

doesn’t know where. And until he figures it out—which he

will—we have to prepare.”

“To fight?”

“To fight back. Yeah.” Even in the dim light of this foreign

space I can see the determination holding him together. It

makes me want to sing.

I close my eyes. “Good.”

“What’s taking you so long?” James shouts in the distance.

And we’re off.

The parking garage is located underneath an old abandoned

office building buried in the shadows. A fire exit leads

directly up to the main floor.

James is so excited he’s jumping up and down the stairs,

running forward a few steps only to run back to complain

we’re not coming fast enough. Adam catches him from

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