Shatter-Me-PDF-Shatter-Me-Series-Shatter-Me-Shatter-Me-1-Tahereh-Mafi (1)

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The possibility of losing him

The possibility of losing him is 100 years of solitude I don’t

want to imagine. I don’t want my arms to be devoid of his

warmth. His touch. His lips, God his lips, his mouth on my

neck, his body wrapped around mine, holding me together

as if to affirm that my existence on this earth is not for


Realization is a pendulum the size of the moon. It won’t

stop slamming into me.


I swallow back the bullet in my throat. “Yes?”

“Why are you crying . . . ?” His voice is almost as gentle as

his hand as it breaks free from my grip. He touches the

tears rolling down my face and I’m so humiliated I almost

don’t know what to say.

“You can touch me,” I say for the first time, recognize out

loud for the first time. My words fade to a whisper. “You can

touch me. You care and I don’t know why. You’re kind to me

and you don’t have to be. My own mother didn’t care

enough to—t-to—” My voice catches and I press my lips

together. Glue them shut. Force myself to be still.

I am a rock. A statue. A movement frozen in time. Ice feels

nothing at all.

Adam doesn’t answer, doesn’t say a single word until he

pulls off the road and into an old underground parking

garage. I realize we’ve reached some semblance of

civilization, but it’s pitch-black belowground. I can see next

to nothing and once again wonder at how Adam is

managing. My eyes fall on the screen illuminated on his

dashboard only to realize the tank has night vision. Of


Adam shuts off the engine. I hear him sigh. I can hardly

distinguish his silhouette before I feel his hand on my thigh,

his other hand tripping its way up my body to find my face.

Warmth spreads through my limbs like molten lava. The tips

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