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shape of my chin when I see a movement in the corner of

my eye.

“You’re so beautiful,” he says to me.

I’m pink and red and maroon all at once. I duck my head

and trip away from the mirror only to have him catch me in

his arms. “I’d forgotten my own face,” I whisper.

“Just don’t forget who you are,” he says.

“I don’t even know.”

“Yes you do.” He tilts my face up. “I do.”

I stare at the strength in his jaw, in his eyes, in his body. I

try to understand the confidence he has in who he thinks I

am and realize his reassurance is the only thing stopping

me from diving into a pool of my own insanity. He’s always

believed in me. Even soundlessly, silently, he fought for me.


He’s my only friend.

I take his hand and hold it to my lips. “I’ve loved you

forever,” I tell him.

The sun rises, rests, shines in his face and he almost

smiles, almost can’t meet my eyes. His muscles relax, his

shoulders find relief in the weight of a new kind of wonder

and he exhales. He touches my cheek, touches my lips,

touches the tip of my chin and I blink and he’s kissing me,

he’s pulling me into his arms and into the air and somehow

we’re on the bed and tangled in each other and I’m drugged

with emotion, drugged by each tender moment. His fingers

skim my shoulder, trail down my silhouette, rest at my hips.

He pulls me closer, whispers my name, drops kisses down

my throat and struggles with the stiff fabric of my dress. His

hands are shaking so slightly, his eyes brimming with

feeling, his heart thrumming with pain and affection and I

want to live here, in his arms, in his eyes for the rest of my


I slip my hands under his shirt and he chokes on a moan

that turns into a kiss that needs me and wants me and has

to have me so desperately it’s like the most acute form of

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