Shatter-Me-PDF-Shatter-Me-Series-Shatter-Me-Shatter-Me-1-Tahereh-Mafi (1)

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release but his reassurances in my ear. Sleep is the only

thing I look forward to these days. I can hardly remember

why I used to scream.

Things are getting too comfortable and I’m beginning to


“Put these on,” Warner says to me.

Breakfast in the blue room has become routine. I eat and

don’t ask where the food comes from, whether or not the

workers are being paid for what they do, how this building

manages to sustain so many lives, pump so much water, or

use so much electricity. I bide my time now. I cooperate.

Warner hasn’t asked me to touch him again, and I don’t


“What are they for?” I eye the small pieces of fabric in his

hands and feel a nervous twinge in my gut.

He smiles a slow, sneaky smile. “An aptitude test.” He

grabs my wrist and places the bundle in my hand. “I’ll turn

around, just this once.”

I’m almost too nervous to be disgusted by him.

My hands shake as I change into the outfit that turns out

to be a tiny tank top and tinier shorts. I’m practically naked.

I’m practically convulsing in fear of what this might mean. I

clear my throat just the tiniest bit and Warner spins around.

He takes too long to speak; his eyes are busy traveling the

road map of my body. I want to rip up the carpet and sew it

to my skin. He smiles and offers me his hand.

I’m granite and limestone and marbled glass. I don’t move.

He drops his hand. He cocks his head. “Follow me.”

Warner opens the door. Adam is standing outside. He’s

gotten so good at masking his emotions that I hardly

register the look of shock that shifts in and out of his

features. Nothing but the strain in his forehead, the tension

in his temples, gives him away. He knows something’s not

right. He actually turns his neck to take in my appearance.

He blinks. “Sir?”

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