Shatter-Me-PDF-Shatter-Me-Series-Shatter-Me-Shatter-Me-1-Tahereh-Mafi (1)

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“But they deserve it!” He pushes away from me,

frustrated. “How could you not want to retaliate? How could

you not want to fight back—”

I stand up slowly, shaking with anger, hoping my legs

won’t collapse beneath me. “You think that because I am

unwanted, because I am neglected and—and discarded—”

My voice inches higher with every word, the unrestrained

emotions suddenly screaming through my lungs. “You think I

don’t have a heart? You think I don’t feel? You think that

because I can inflict pain, that I should? You’re just like

everyone else. You think I’m a monster just like everyone

else. You don’t understand me at all—”



I don’t want this. I don’t want his life.

I don’t want to be anything for anyone but myself. I want

to make my own choices and I’ve never wanted to be a

monster. My words are slow and steady when I speak. “I

value human life a lot more than you do, Warner.”

He opens his mouth to speak before he stops. Laughs out

loud and shakes his head.

Smiles at me.

“What?” I ask before I can stop myself.

“You just said my name.” He grins even wider. “You’ve

never addressed me directly before. That must mean I’m

making progress with you.”

“I just told you I don’t—”

He cuts me off. “I’m not worried about your moral

dilemmas. You’re just stalling for time because you’re in

denial. Don’t worry,” he says. “You’ll get over it. I can wait a

little longer.”

“I’m not in denial—”

“Of course you are. You don’t know it yet, Juliette, but you

are a very bad girl,” he says, clutching his heart. “Just my


This conversation is impossible.

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