Shatter-Me-PDF-Shatter-Me-Series-Shatter-Me-Shatter-Me-1-Tahereh-Mafi (1)

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I look down and can’t understand why there’s no blood on

my dress, why this pain in my heart feels so real.

“You killed him,” I manage to whisper. “You just killed him


“You’re very astute.”

“Why did you kill him why would you kill him how could

you do something like that—”

“Keep your eyes open, Juliette. Now’s not the time to fall


I grab his shirt. I stop him before he gets inside. A gust of

wind slaps me across the face and I’m suddenly in control of

my senses. I push him hard, slamming his back up against

the door. “You disgust me.” I stare hard into his crystal-cold

eyes. “You disgust me—”

He twists me around, pinning me against the door where I

just held him. He cups my face in his gloved hands, holding

my eyes in place. The same hands he just used to kill a


I’m trapped.


Slightly terrified.

His thumb brushes my cheek.

“Life is a bleak place,” he whispers. “Sometimes you have

to learn how to shoot first.”

Warner follows me into my room.

“You should probably sleep,” he says to me. It’s the first

time he’s spoken since we left the rooftop. “I’ll have food

sent up to your room, but other than that I’ll make sure

you’re not disturbed.”

“Where is Adam? Is he safe? Is he healthy? Are you going

to hurt him?”

Warner flinches before finding his composure. “Why do you


I’ve cared about Adam Kent since I was in third grade.

“Isn’t he supposed to be watching me? Because he’s not

here. Does that mean you’re going to kill him, too?” I’m

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