Re:TheAshLad - Sandbooks

Re:TheAshLad - Sandbooks Re:TheAshLad - Sandbooks
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toassociate large noses and sexual potency or find detchbacks. mirthprovoking. But it is possible that Punch has lasted so long because heso. blatantly cocks a snook at the restrictions of civilised societyand perhaps. every man at some time or other would like to flaunt thelaws of society with. a comparable nonchalance removing those who gotin his way pursuing his. amorous inclinations willy nilly anddefeating in the end the devil. himself How often we say of alikeable rogue He could get away with. murder. And Punchdoes or almost always does and he is such a likeable. rogue and ofcourse he's only a puppet and puppets can get away with. anything.HANGMAN Now prepare yourself for execution.PUNCH What forMr. Punch.. A Roman mime called Maccus was the original of Punch. Astatuette of this. buffon was discovered in containing all thewellknown features of our. friend the long nose and goggle eyes thedetch back and protruding breast.. The most popular derivation of Punchand Judy is Pontius cum Judis (Matt.. xxvii. ) an old mystery playof Pontius Pilate and the Jews but the. Italian policinello seems tobe from pollice a thumb (Tomthumb figures). and our Punch is frompaunch. The drama or story of our Punch and Judy is. attributed toSilvio Fiorillo an Italian comedian of the seventeenth century.. Punchtriumphs over all the ills that flesh is heir to. () Ennui in. theshape of a dog is overcome () Disease in the disguise of a doctoris. kicked out () Death is beaten to death and () the Devil himselfis. outwitted. Brewer's Phrase and FableThis compulsive desire for immortality. for a definitive immortalityrevolves around a strange madness the mania. for what has achievedits goal. The mania for identity for. saturation completionrepletion. For perfection too the lethal illusion of. the perfection.'Every ecstasy ultimately prefers to take the path of. renunciationrather than sin against its own concept by realizing it' (Adorno)To. the identitary individual the virtual clone there corresponds ahorizontal. madness... a delirium of selfappropriation all themonstrous variants of. identity not of the schizophrenic but of theisophrenic without shadow. other transcendence or image that ofthe mental isomorph the autist who. has as it were devoured hisdouble and absorbed his twin brother (being a. twin is conversely aform of autism deux). Identitary ipsomaniacal. isophrenic madness.Our monsters are all manic autists. As products of. chimericalcombination... deprived of hereditary otherness... they have no. otherdestiny than desperately to seek out an otherness by eliating allthe. Others one by one.PunchandJudy show a traditional puppetshow in which. Punch isshown nagging beating and finally killing a succession. ofcharacters 927

including his wife Judy.The problem of Frankenstein for example. is that he has no Other andcraves otherness... But our computers also crave. otherness. They areautistic bachelor machines the source of their. suffering and thecause of their vengeance is the fiercely tautological nature. of theirown language.Punch did not always have his own play it seems his. first role inEngland was to provide comic interludes in serious. plays byinterrupting the action as and when he could.A MODERN PUNCH SCRIPT. CHARACTERS PUNCH JUDY BABY POLICEMAN CLOWNCROCODILE HANGMAN GHOSTthe. challenge of the Ghost representing Death is considered Punch'sgreatest. trialWe long ago stopped believing in the immortality of the soul. adeferred immortality. We no longer believe in that immortality whichassumed. a transcending of the end an intense investment in thefinalities of the. beyond and a symbolic elaboration of death. What wewant is the immediate. realization of immortality by all possiblemeans.the conquest of whom enables. Punch to finally defy the Devil himself.So long as there is a finalistic. conception of life and death theafterlife and immortality are given like. the world and there is nocause to believe in them. Do you believe in. reality No of coursenot it exists but we do not believe in it. It is. like God... Ifsomething does not exist you have to believe in it. Belief is. not thereflection of existence it is there for existence just as languageis. not the reflection of meaning it is there in place of meaning. Tobelieve in. God is therefore to doubt his existence. Belief issuperfluous just as. Canetti says vengeance is superfluous it isrendered unnecessary by the. inexorable reversibility of things. Inexactly the same way passion is a. useless supplement to the naturalattraction between things and we might. say the same about truthwhich merely complicates appearances unnecessary.. or as a mirror merely refracts your image without believing in it.God for his. part if he exists does not believe in his existencebut he allows the. believe in him and to believe hebelieves in it or not to. believe that but not to believe he doesnot believe in it. StavroginWhen. the Devil has been done away with Punch exults to the audienceThe Devil is. dead Now everyone can do as he likesBut what will the human race do once. free of any belief It willeither fullfill itself egoistically obeying an. exclusive sovereignindividualism (Stirner) or do so collectively by. setting out on along historical course as in Marx or it will shift its. sights tothe superhuman through a transvaluation of the values of the. species this is the path marked out by Nietzsche who argued that the. humanrace cannot be left to itself but must aim beyond itself and discoverthe. great 928

toassociate large noses and sexual potency or find detchbacks.<br />

mirthprovoking. But it is possible that Punch has lasted so long because<br />

heso. blatantly cocks a snook at the restrictions of civilised societyand<br />

perhaps. every man at some time or other would like to flaunt thelaws<br />

of society with. a comparable nonchalance removing those who gotin<br />

his way pursuing his. amorous inclinations willy nilly anddefeating in<br />

the end the devil. himself How often we say of alikeable rogue He<br />

could get away with. murder. And Punchdoes or almost always does<br />

and he is such a likeable. rogue and ofcourse he's only a puppet and<br />

puppets can get away with. anything.HANGMAN Now prepare<br />

yourself for execution.PUNCH What forMr. Punch.. A Roman mime<br />

called Maccus was the original of Punch. Astatuette of this. buffon was<br />

discovered in containing all thewellknown features of our. friend the<br />

long nose and goggle eyes thedetch back and protruding breast.. The<br />

most popular derivation of Punchand Judy is Pontius cum Judis (Matt..<br />

xxvii. ) an old mystery playof Pontius Pilate and the Jews but the.<br />

Italian policinello seems tobe from pollice a thumb (Tomthumb<br />

figures). and our Punch is frompaunch. The drama or story of our<br />

Punch and Judy is. attributed toSilvio Fiorillo an Italian comedian of<br />

the seventeenth century.. Punchtriumphs over all the ills that flesh is<br />

heir to. () Ennui in. theshape of a dog is overcome () Disease in the<br />

disguise of a doctoris. kicked out () Death is beaten to death and () the<br />

Devil himselfis. outwitted. Brewer's Phrase and FableThis compulsive<br />

desire for immortality. for a definitive immortalityrevolves around a<br />

strange madness the mania. for what has achievedits goal. The mania<br />

for identity for. saturation completionrepletion. For perfection too the<br />

lethal illusion of. the perfection.'Every ecstasy ultimately prefers to<br />

take the path of. renunciationrather than sin against its own concept by<br />

realizing it' (Adorno)To. the identitary individual the virtual clone there<br />

corresponds ahorizontal. madness... a delirium of selfappropriation all<br />

themonstrous variants of. identity not of the schizophrenic but of<br />

theisophrenic without shadow. other transcendence or image that ofthe<br />

mental isomorph the autist who. has as it were devoured hisdouble and<br />

absorbed his twin brother (being a. twin is conversely aform of autism<br />

deux). Identitary ipsomaniacal. isophrenic madness.Our monsters are<br />

all manic autists. As products of. chimericalcombination... deprived of<br />

hereditary otherness... they have no. otherdestiny than desperately to<br />

seek out an otherness by eliating allthe. Others one by<br />

one.PunchandJudy show a traditional puppetshow in which. Punch<br />

isshown nagging beating and finally killing a succession. ofcharacters<br />


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