Re:TheAshLad - Sandbooks

Re:TheAshLad - Sandbooks Re:TheAshLad - Sandbooks
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mislykken. fullt integrert i prosjektet s er det da vellykket eller mislykket. stjernestatus men hvem bryr seg dette har ligget p noemata i lang tid. ingen reaksjoner ingen leser alle sitter og runker eposten. Men dette kunne. blitt stort med noen andre enn udugelige sabber i staben. Hele noemata er og. taps det er oppgitt i utgangspunktet og lever med latteren i halsen.It was. a tiny onyx diorama of Don Quixote' and Sancho Panza.The light slanting. uniformly into the austere living room vaguely populux 's geometric. The. sane cat sat near a window licking its paw. solipsisjeg hadde et notat. p dette engang kanskje det er slik at noemata har som sitt. felt disse umulige ogmalpasserte verk og uverk like mye eller mer enn verk i. noen tradisjonell forstand og gjr det til sitt uttrykk som en endelig. eller uendelig opplsning av kunsten med objektets dd (euridike) og. subjektets desintegrering (orfeus) i korridorene grenselandet eller rkenen. (nettkunsten). fin setning iallefall. det hres serist ut men har mer. preg av tragikomedie mer quixotisk enn romantisk. det umulige er en rd. trd kan det virke som en rd klut forestillingenes umulighet eller. det virkeliges uvirkelighet.every ecstasy ultimately prefers to take the path. of renunciation ratherthan sin against its own concept by realizing it.. adornothere is an idea horizon just as there is an event horizon the horizon. of their deathdealing accomplishment their absolute realization. thought for. its part leaks out into the void. baudrillarddon quixote som en taktil. kulturjammingsteknikk bevisst dumskap.noemata message in a bottle server at. the barents sea nhva slags mail vil du sende ut i havet umulige. kjrlighetsbrevthy false promise and my sure misfortune carry me to a. place whence thenews of my death will reach thy ears before the words of my. complaint.what thy beauty raised up thy deeds have laid low by it i believed. thee to be an angel by them i know thou art a woman.hva du gjr der er. det et sprsml eller svarquo oxid netnn som don. quixote. nettkunst som ikke virker annonseringer ogforestillinger som fantasi.. urealistiske umulige malplasserte prosjekterog ideer som samtidig blir. kulturjamming intervenering taktisk oglatterligjrende selvironisk. med den folkelige sjarmen til. dettragikomiske.there it is said sancho what i. told you that you must keep a goodcount well then by god there is an end of. the story for there is nogoing any can that be said don. quixote is it so essential to the story toknow to a nicety the goats that. have crossed over that if there be amistake of one in the reckoning thou. canst not go on with itno senor not a bit replied sancho for when i. asked your worship to tell me how many goats had crossed and you answered you. did not know at that very instant all i 913

had to say passed away out of my. memory and faith there was much virtue in it and then. said don quixote the story has come to an endas much as my mother has. said truth said don quixote thou hast told one of the rarest. storiestales or histories that anyone in the world could have imagined. andsuch a way of telling it and ending it was never seen nor will be in. alifetime though i expected nothing else from thy excellent understanding. but. i do not wonder for perhaps those ceaseless strokes may have confused thy. wits.ffrom a mail from lanny quarles solipsis the term. 'idiotic' isn't really about intelligence per se butrefers to a kind of. imaginary ratio whereby the self's uniquenessadheres to its own erratic path. its actually a term connoting a kindof pureness and honesty.. I'm thinking. somewhere in the neighborhood of eigensomething (can't remember). hmmAuthenticity is also a translation problem. Eigentlichkeit has its root. ineigen own. or proper Gr. idios Eng. idiot. So one should keep. theoriginary meaning of idiocy in mind being one's own self. The. termEigentlichkeit points to the possibility of being one's self.that strikes. me. As you point out the Gk idiotic denotes not deficiencybut eccentricity. the opposite of politic (withness) a self radicallyownmost in its. extremest form perfect solipsism.With this in mind and apprised ( by. Nietzsche no) that every greatphilosophy is autobiography oughtn't BT be. read synoptically withOtt as it were in the Confessions genre...that BT. represents H'sselfcasting(Go litel bok go litel myn tragedye) an idiotic. interpretation of beyng...that the AngstCare structure for example if it. fits one say Hamlet typeassuredly doesn't others Quixote Don Juan. Faust...via the baudri Lard art has disappeared as a symbolic. pact remaining prolification of signs ad infinitum as 'culture' auto.noemata. automatic art. the situation resembles that of a currency which may not be. exchanged it can only float its only reference itself impossible to convert. into real value or wealth noema kroner the impossible of noemata. projects their floating like quixote phantasies manusfilms and inconceptual. art. general indifference please remove me as only emotional. responseprofound indifference everybody is an art is truethe system runs less. on the surplusvalue of the commodity than on the aesthetic surplusvalue of. the sign no matter how marginal banal or obscene everything is subject to. aesth. cult. museum.zation. like the prax of baroq we too are irrepressible. creators of images but secretly iconoclasts we manufacture a profusion of. images in which there is nothing to see leave no trace cast no shadow and. fascination of the erasure rewrite 914

mislykken. fullt integrert i prosjektet s er det da vellykket eller<br />

mislykket. stjernestatus men hvem bryr seg dette har ligget p noemata i<br />

lang tid. ingen reaksjoner ingen leser alle sitter og runker eposten. Men<br />

dette kunne. blitt stort med noen andre enn udugelige sabber i staben.<br />

Hele noemata er og. taps det er oppgitt i utgangspunktet og lever med<br />

latteren i halsen.It was. a tiny onyx diorama of Don Quixote' and<br />

Sancho Panza.The light slanting. uniformly into the austere living room<br />

vaguely populux 's geometric. The. sane cat sat near a window licking<br />

its paw. solipsisjeg hadde et notat. p dette engang kanskje det er slik at<br />

noemata har som sitt. felt disse umulige ogmalpasserte verk og uverk<br />

like mye eller mer enn verk i. noen tradisjonell forstand og gjr det til<br />

sitt uttrykk som en endelig. eller uendelig opplsning av kunsten med<br />

objektets dd (euridike) og. subjektets desintegrering (orfeus) i<br />

korridorene grenselandet eller rkenen. (nettkunsten). fin setning<br />

iallefall. det hres serist ut men har mer. preg av tragikomedie mer<br />

quixotisk enn romantisk. det umulige er en rd. trd kan det virke som en<br />

rd klut forestillingenes umulighet eller. det virkeliges uvirkelighet.every<br />

ecstasy ultimately prefers to take the path. of renunciation ratherthan<br />

sin against its own concept by realizing it.. adornothere is an idea<br />

horizon just as there is an event horizon the horizon. of their<br />

deathdealing accomplishment their absolute realization. thought for. its<br />

part leaks out into the void. baudrillarddon quixote som en taktil.<br />

kulturjammingsteknikk bevisst dumskap.noemata message in a bottle<br />

server at. the barents sea nhva slags mail vil du sende ut i havet<br />

umulige. kjrlighetsbrevthy false promise and my sure misfortune carry<br />

me to a. place whence thenews of my death will reach thy ears before<br />

the words of my. complaint.what thy beauty raised up thy deeds have<br />

laid low by it i believed. thee to be an angel by them i know thou art a<br />

woman.hva du gjr der er. det et sprsml eller svarquo oxid netnn som<br />

don. quixote. nettkunst som ikke virker annonseringer ogforestillinger<br />

som fantasi.. urealistiske umulige malplasserte prosjekterog ideer som<br />

samtidig blir. kulturjamming intervenering taktisk oglatterligjrende<br />

selvironisk. med den folkelige sjarmen til. dettragikomiske.there it is<br />

said sancho what i. told you that you must keep a goodcount well then<br />

by god there is an end of. the story for there is nogoing any<br />

can that be said don. quixote is it so essential to the story toknow to a<br />

nicety the goats that. have crossed over that if there be amistake of one<br />

in the reckoning thou. canst not go on with itno senor not a bit replied<br />

sancho for when i. asked your worship to tell me how many goats had<br />

crossed and you answered you. did not know at that very instant all i<br />


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