Re:TheAshLad - Sandbooks

Re:TheAshLad - Sandbooks Re:TheAshLad - Sandbooks
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pvrtyttr wnt s th nndtn csd gnrl dstttn t b. ndydstttn t b dstrssd by wnt f th mns f lvng vry prndgnt Vry ndy r ndgnt. prssd wth pvrtyth stt f bng dprvd f nythng th stt r cndtn f bngdsttt ndy r. wtht rsrcs dfcncy lck xtrm pvrtyttr wnt s th n vrsprdng f ny knd vrflwng. r sprflsbndnc fld grt nflx s n nndtn f trsts csdgnrl Th stt f bng dprvd f. nythng th stt r cndtn fbng dsttt ndy r wtht rsrcs dfcncy lck xtrmpvrty. ttr wnt s th nndtn csd gnrl dstttn t bndyTh stt f bng dprvd f nythng th stt. r cndtn f bngdsttt ndy r wtht rsrcs dfcncy lck xtrm pvrtyttr wnt s th. nndtn csd gnrl dstttn t b t cs pnr ngsh t t pn t pprss wth clmty t fflct t. hrss tmk msrbl by wnt f th mns f pwr f f Cntn lf th ct flvng r lvng n. cmfrtbl r cmfrtng mnnr vry pr ndgntvry ndy r ndgnt prssd wth pvrtyi a. o e i o e i a a e o e i u io o e ee o ao e e i u io o e. i e e a o e ea o i i eo i i e e e i ou e a e. o ei e i e o a i ea e o o i io o ei e i u e ee o. i ou e ou e e iie a e e e o e u e a a e i u a. io au e ee a e i u io o e ee e i u io o e o au e ai o a. uio o ai o o e i a a i o a i o a a o a ei e a e. a o e ea o o e o o i ui i e e a oi i o i i o o. a e o i i e e ee o i i ee e i o e e a e o. ei e i e o a i e a eo o i io o ei e i u e ee o. i ou e ou e e i iea e e e o e u e a a e i u a io. au e e e a ei u io o e ee e i u io o e i e e a o e. eao i i e o i i e e ee o i i e e e i oe. e a e o ei e i e o a i e a e o o i io oei e i u e. ee o i ou e ou e e i ie a e e eo e u e a a e. A o e ea i o a i o e o io u e uou a u a e a oo a ea. i u a a i u a io oou i au e e e a e a e o ei e i e o. a i ea e o o i io o ei e i u e ee o i ou e ou e. e iie a e e e o e u e a a e i u a io au e ee a e. i u io o e ee e a e o ei e i e o a ie a e o o i io o. ei e i u e ee o i ou e ou ee i ie a e e e o e u. e a a e i u a io au ee e a e i u io o e o au e ai o a ui. o o ai o oe i a a i o a i o a a o a e i e a e. a oe ea o o e o o o i ue i e e a o i i o i i Ia o. o a e o o o i a e e o i i e e ee oi i e e e. i oe. noemata. Friday December. Brfxxccxxmnpcccclllmmnprxvclmnckssqlbb. PATAFYSISKT NAMN STOPPAS AV RTTENBrfxxccxxmnpcccclllmmnprxvclmnckssqlbb.. S fr inte lille Albin stavasitt namn. Kammarrtten i Gteborg fann inget std. i lagen fr att dpamnniskor i sdan anda. Den vida knda hallndska. namnstriden brjade medatt lnsrtten i Halland utdmde ett vite mot. frldrarna p kronorfr att inget frnamn alls registrerats p. gossebarnet trots att hanhunnit bli fem r. D skickade frldrarna in. stavningen med tecken.Namnfrslaget br ses i patafysisk anda skrev. frldrarna i sin inlaga.Men kammarrtten kunde inte se patafysiskt p. stavningen. Parafysik r deinbillade lsningarnas vetenskap uppfunnen av. absurdisten Alfred Jarry somannars r mest knd som frfattare till. teaterstycket Kung Ubu.Brfxxccxxmnpcccclllmmnprxvclmnckssqlbb. (pronounced Albin) was a name given to a child by the parents of a Swedish. family in May .A district court in Halmstad southern Sweden 1297

had fined the. parents (Elizabeth Hallin and ) kronor (approximately US) for failing. register a name for the boy by his fifth birthday. Responding to the fine. the parents submitted the character name claiming that it was a pregnant. expressionistic development that we see as an artistic creation and. suggesting that it should be seen in the spirit of pataphysics. The court. rejected the name and upheld the fine. The long and short of itSWEDISH. authorities last year told a couple who named their son. Brfxxccxxmnpckccccmmnprxvcmackssqlbb to find a new shorter name for. the boy. However the authorities in Stockholm have now rejected his new name. of A according to the Hallands Nyheter newspaper. Initially the parents. refused to provide tax authorities with a name for their newborn son. After. numerous disputes the parents finally provided them with the letter and. digit sequence which they say is pronounced Albin. That resulted in an. fine from the tax authorities last year for defying the Swedish name law.This. northern summer the couple registered their son as A. Tax authorities also. rejected that name because singleletter names are not allowed. An appeals. court upheld the decision. The parents previously said that they chose a. meaningful expressionistic typographic formulation which we consider to be an. artistic new creation in the pataphysical tradition in which we believe.The. boy who is still officially nameless has a passport in which his name is. given as Boy Tarzan.Related Jennifer . Lee born March in New. York City is a New York Times reporter for the Circuits section. Her middle. name was given by her parents in her teens because there are too many people. named Jennifer Lee. She spells her middle name . on paper but on her. driver's license it is spelt as a much less dramatic Eight. Her parents were. Taiwan and were influenced by the typically Cantonese custom that sees. number as a symbol of prosperity. is a character in the comic strip. Peanuts by Charles Schulz. He debuted in and continued to appear on and. off until . has spiky hair and sometimes wears a shirt with (what else). the number five on it. His full name is (accent on the ) with. being the family's last name (actually their zip code which in real life. corresponds to the zip code for Sebastopol California). His father changed all. of the family's names to numbers as a protest to call attention to the way that. he felt like numbers were taking over people's identities. also has two. sisters named and .. noemata. Re Please read Abstention. It's not easy to respond to this and worse in public I feel but thanks for. posting. I can relate to what you write for myself I really don't know what. lies ahead of me of course nothing and of the value of 1298

pvrtyttr wnt s th nndtn csd gnrl dstttn t b. ndydstttn t b dstrssd by wnt f<br />

th mns f lvng vry prndgnt Vry ndy r ndgnt. prssd wth pvrtyth stt f bng<br />

dprvd f nythng th stt r cndtn f bngdsttt ndy r. wtht rsrcs dfcncy lck xtrm<br />

pvrtyttr wnt s th n vrsprdng f ny knd vrflwng. r sprflsbndnc fld grt nflx<br />

s n nndtn f trsts csdgnrl Th stt f bng dprvd f. nythng th stt r cndtn fbng<br />

dsttt ndy r wtht rsrcs dfcncy lck xtrmpvrty. ttr wnt s th nndtn csd gnrl<br />

dstttn t bndyTh stt f bng dprvd f nythng th stt. r cndtn f bngdsttt ndy r<br />

wtht rsrcs dfcncy lck xtrm pvrtyttr wnt s th. nndtn csd gnrl dstttn t b t cs<br />

pnr ngsh t t pn t pprss wth clmty t fflct t. hrss tmk msrbl by wnt f th<br />

mns f pwr f f Cntn lf th ct flvng r lvng n. cmfrtbl r cmfrtng mnnr vry pr<br />

ndgntvry ndy r ndgnt prssd wth pvrtyi a. o e i o e i a a e o e i u io o e ee<br />

o ao e e i u io o e. i e e a o e ea o i i eo i i e e e i ou e a e. o ei e i e o a i<br />

ea e o o i io o ei e i u e ee o. i ou e ou e e iie a e e e o e u e a a e i u a. io<br />

au e ee a e i u io o e ee e i u io o e o au e ai o a. uio o ai o o e i a a i o a i<br />

o a a o a ei e a e. a o e ea o o e o o i ui i e e a oi i o i i o o. a e o i i e e ee<br />

o i i ee e i o e e a e o. ei e i e o a i e a eo o i io o ei e i u e ee o. i ou e ou<br />

e e i iea e e e o e u e a a e i u a io. au e e e a ei u io o e ee e i u io o e i e<br />

e a o e. eao i i e o i i e e ee o i i e e e i oe. e a e o ei e i e o a i e a e o o i<br />

io oei e i u e. ee o i ou e ou e e i ie a e e eo e u e a a e. A o e ea i o a i o<br />

e o io u e uou a u a e a oo a ea. i u a a i u a io oou i au e e e a e a e o ei e<br />

i e o. a i ea e o o i io o ei e i u e ee o i ou e ou e. e iie a e e e o e u e a a e<br />

i u a io au e ee a e. i u io o e ee e a e o ei e i e o a ie a e o o i io o. ei e i u<br />

e ee o i ou e ou ee i ie a e e e o e u. e a a e i u a io au ee e a e i u io o e o<br />

au e ai o a ui. o o ai o oe i a a i o a i o a a o a e i e a e. a oe ea o o e o o o<br />

i ue i e e a o i i o i i Ia o. o a e o o o i a e e o i i e e ee oi i e e e. i oe.<br />

noemata. Friday December.<br />

Brfxxccxxmnpcccclllmmnprxvclmnckssqlbb. PATAFYSISKT NAMN<br />

STOPPAS AV RTTENBrfxxccxxmnpcccclllmmnprxvclmnckssqlbb.. S<br />

fr inte lille Albin stavasitt namn. Kammarrtten i Gteborg fann inget std.<br />

i lagen fr att dpamnniskor i sdan anda. Den vida knda hallndska.<br />

namnstriden brjade medatt lnsrtten i Halland utdmde ett vite mot.<br />

frldrarna p kronorfr att inget frnamn alls registrerats p. gossebarnet trots<br />

att hanhunnit bli fem r. D skickade frldrarna in. stavningen med<br />

tecken.Namnfrslaget br ses i patafysisk anda skrev. frldrarna i sin<br />

inlaga.Men kammarrtten kunde inte se patafysiskt p. stavningen.<br />

Parafysik r deinbillade lsningarnas vetenskap uppfunnen av.<br />

absurdisten Alfred Jarry somannars r mest knd som frfattare till.<br />

teaterstycket Kung Ubu.Brfxxccxxmnpcccclllmmnprxvclmnckssqlbb.<br />

(pronounced Albin) was a name given to a child by the parents of a<br />

Swedish. family in May .A district court in Halmstad southern Sweden<br />


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