Un Ospite di Venezia-11-2023

Around the middle of the century, Francesco Hayez portrays Matilde, a young noblewoman from the Pirovano Visconti di Modrone family: an undoubtedly splendid work by an artist recognized as the main exponent of the Italian Romantic movement. This is the image we have chosen to open this month to introduce one of the most important artistic and cultural events of the year: the reconstruction, a hundred years later, of what turned out to be a true event, an exhibition that brought to light the Venetian art of an entire century, long overshadowed by the mythologizing of the preceding one, the 18th century. Around the middle of the century, Francesco Hayez portrays Matilde, a young noblewoman from the Pirovano Visconti di Modrone family: an undoubtedly splendid work by an artist recognized as the main exponent of the Italian Romantic movement.

This is the image we have chosen to open this month to introduce one of the most important artistic and cultural events of the year: the reconstruction, a hundred years later, of what turned out to be a true event, an exhibition that brought to light the Venetian art of an entire century, long overshadowed by the mythologizing of the preceding one, the 18th century.

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Scopri Scopri Venezia Venezia con con il con con il trasporto il il trasporto pubblico pubblico Actv ActvActvScopri Discover Venezia Discover Scopri Venice Venezia con Venice with il with trasporto with the con with the Actv the il Actv the trasporto Actv pubblico Actv public public transport pubblico Actvtransport ActvDiscover Discover Venice with Venice the Actv with the public Actv transport public transportBiglietti Biglietti ordinari ordinari \ \ Standard \ \ Standard tickets ticketsticketsBiglietti esclusi esclusi ordinari esclusi i esclusiBigliettii collegamenti i \ i collegamenti Standard ordinaricon con con tickets l’aeroporto\ Standardcon l’aeroporto M. Polo M.ticketsPolo M. \ except Polo M. \ except Polo \ except for \ except services for services for for to services or to from or to from or to M. from or Polo M. from Polo M. airport Polo M. airport Polo airport airportesclusi i collegamenti esclusi i collegamenti con l’aeroporto con M. l’aeroporto Polo \ except M. Polo for services \ except to for services from M. Polo to or airport from M. Polo airportBiglietto Biglietto Rete Rete Unica Rete Unica Rete Unica UnicaBus Bus Tram Bus \ Bus Tram \ \ Tram \ People Tram \ People \ \ Mover People MoverMoverBiglietto Bus Bus & Bus Boat Rete & Bus Biglietto Boat & ticket Boat Unica & ticket Boat ticket Rete ticket UnicaBus Rete \ Rete Tram urbana Rete urbana Rete Bus \ People \ Urban urbana \ Tram \ Urban \ Mover Urban \ Urban People networknetwork MoverBus & Boat Bus ticket & Boat ticketRete urbana (Venezia, Rete (Venezia, Mestre, \ Urban Mestre, urbana network Lido) Mestre, Lido) \ Urban Lido) Lido) network(Venezia, Mestre, (Venezia, Lido) Mestre, Lido)75 75 75 759,50 9,50 € 9,50 € 9,50 € € 1,50 1,50 € 1,50 1,50 € € €75 min min min min 759,50 € 9,50 € 1,50 € 1,50 €minminBiglietti Biglietti a tempo a tempo a a \ tempo \ Time-limited \ \ Time-limited travelcardstravelcardsBiglietti a tempo Biglietti \ Time-limited a tempo \ Time-limited travelcards travelcardsBiglietti Biglietti validi Biglietti validi nella validi nella validi rete nella rete nella urbana rete urbana rete urbana di urbana Venezia, di Venezia, di di Mestre Venezia, Mestre Mestre e isole Mestre e isole e isole e (Murano, isole Burano, (Murano, Burano,Burano,Biglietti Torcello Torcello validi e Torcello Biglietti Lido) nella e Lido) e - rete esclusi Lido) e validi - Lido) esclusi urbana - esclusi nella i - esclusi i di collegamenti rete Venezia, i urbana i collegamenti con Mestre di con Venezia, con l’aeroporto e con isole Mestre l’aeroporto (Murano, M. Polo M. e Polo M. isole Burano, Polo M. (Murano, Polo Burano,Torcello Time-limited e Lido) Time-limited Torcello - esclusi travelcards e Lido) i travelcards collegamenti for - Venice esclusi for Venice for for Venice urban i collegamenti con Venice urban l’aeroporto urban services, urban Mestre con services, M. Mestre l’aeroporto Polo Mestre and Mestre islands islands M. islands (Murano, Polo islands (Murano, Burano, (Murano, Burano,Burano,Time-limited Torcello Torcello and travelcards Torcello Time-limited and Lido) and Lido) - and except Lido) - for Lido) except travelcards Venice - except for - except services for urban services for for for Venice services, to or to from or urban to from Mestre or to M. from or Polo services, M. from and Polo M. airport Polo M. islands airport Mestre Polo airport airport (Murano, and islands Burano, (Murano, Burano,Torcello and Lido) Torcello - except and Lido) for services - except to for services from M. Polo to or airport from M. Polo airportVenezia Venezia Venezia Daily Venezia Daily Pass Daily Pass Daily Pass Pass25,00 25,00 € 25,00 € € €Puoi Puoi Puoi acquistare Puoi acquistareVenezia (1 (1 Daily giorno\day)(1 Pass (1 Venezia giorno\day) Daily Passi biglietti i biglietti i biglietti Actv i Puoi biglietti Actvacquistare25,00 € 25,00 €Puoi acquistare(1 giorno\day)Treni Treni Regionali Treni Regionali Treni (1 (R) giorno\day)e (R) Regionali e (R) Regionali e (R) Veloci e Regionali Veloci (RV) Veloci (RV) entro Veloci (RV) entro il territorio (RV) entro il territorio entro il territorio del il territorio comune del comune del comune di del Venezia comune di Venezia di Venezia di Venezia i biglietti anche anche Actv con anche con anche i biglietti con con ActvRegional (R) and Regional Fast (R) and (R) and Fast Fast Regional (RV) trains (RV) within (RV) trains the trains within territory within the of territory the the territory of the of the of Municipality Veniceof Venice of VeniceYou can You even can You You can even can even evenTreni Regionali (R) Treni (R) e and Regionali Fast Regional Veloci (R) e (RV) Regionali entro trains Veloci il within territorio (RV) the territory entro del comune il territorio of the di Municipality Venezia del comune Venice di Venezia anche con anche conpurchase purchasepurchaseRegional (R) and Fast Regional Regional (R) and (RV) Fast trains Regional within the (RV) territory trains within of the the Municipality territory of of the Venice Municipality You of Venice can even You can evenpurchase Actv Actv tickets Actv tickets Actv with purchase tickets with tickets with withActv tickets withActv tickets with2 2 giorni\days 2 2 giorni\days 35,00 35,00 € 35,00 € € €2 giorni\days 2 giorni\days 35,00 € 35,00 €3 3 giorni\days 3 3 giorni\days 45,00 45,00 € 45,00 € € €3 giorni\days 3 giorni\days 45,00 € 45,00 €7 7 giorni\days 7 7 giorni\days 65,00 65,00 € 65,00 € € €7 giorni\days 7 giorni\days 65,00 € 65,00 €THE THE THE THE OFFICIAL OFFICIAL VENICE VENICE CITY CITY CITY PASS CITY PASSPASSTHE Best Best OFFICIAL Best deals Best THE dealsOFFICIAL deals VENICE CITY VENICE PASS CITY PASSBest deals Best dealsRESERVEDRESERVEDENTRANCE ALL ALL ALL VENICE ALL VENICE City City Pass City City Pass Pass PassRESERVED ENTRANCE RESERVEDENTRANCE to the to DOGE’S the to DOGE’S the to ENTRANCEthe DOGE’S DOGE’S ALL VENICE ALL City VENICE PassCity PassIncludes Includes free free free admission free admission to: to: to: to: to the DOGE’S PALACE PALACE PALACE to PALACE the DOGE’SIncludes Includes free free free admission free admission to: to: to: to:cludes • Doge’s • Doge’s • free Palace • Includes Doge’s admission Palace Palace Palace free to: admission to: PALACE• oge’s 4 • 4 Palace Museums• 4 • 4 Doge’s Museums Palace• Museums 3 • 3 • churches 3 • 34 churches Museumschurches • 3 churchesPALACE Includes free Includes admission • Doge’s • Doge’s • free Palace • to: Doge’s admission Palace Palace Palace to:• Doge’s • 11 • Palace 11 • Museums11 •• Doge’s 11 Museums Palace• 11 • 16 Museums • 16 • churches 16 • 16 11 churches Museums• 16 churches • 16 churchesBaby Baby Baby (ages Baby (ages 0 (ages - 5) 0 (ages - 5) 0 - 5) 0 - 5) Free Free Free FreeBaby Baby Baby (ages Baby (ages 0 (ages - 5) 0 (ages - 5) 0 - 5) 0 - 5) Free Free Free Freeby Junior Junior (ages Junior (6 Junior Baby - 029) (6 - 5) - (6 and 29) -(6 (ages 29) and Senior - 29) and Senior 0 and - Senior (65 5) Senior +) (65 Free (65 +) € (65 +) 23,90 € +) 23,90 € 23,90 € Free Baby 23,90 Junior Junior (ages Junior (6 Junior Baby - 029) (6- 5) - (6 and 29) -(6 (ages 29) and Senior - 29) and Senior 0 and - Senior (65 5) Senior +) (65 (65 +) € Free (65 +) 31,90 € +) 31,90 € 31,90 € 31,90 Freenior Adult Adult (6 Adult -(ages Adult 29) Junior (ages and 30 (ages Senior - 30 64) (ages (6- 30 - 64) 29) (65 - 30 64) and - +) 64) Senior € 23,90 € (65 38,90 € +) 38,90 € 38,90€ Junior 38,90 23,90 Adult Adult (6 Adult -(ages29) Adult Junior (agesand30 (agesSenior- 30 64) (ages(6 -30 64)29) (65- 30 64)and +)- 64)Senior € 31,90 € (65 52,90 € +) 52,90 € 52,90€ 52,90 31,90Family ult Family (ages Family 2 Family Adult adults 30 2 adults - 64) 2 with adults 2 (ages with adults at least with at 30 with least - at 64) least at least € 38,90 € Adult 38,90 Family Family (ages Family 2 Family Adult adults 30 2 adults - 64) 2 with adults 2 (ages with adults at least with at 30 with least - at 64) least at least € 52,90 € 52,90mily 2 adults one Family one child with one child aged at one 2 child least adults aged child 0 -14 aged 0 with aged -14 0 at -14 0 least -14one pay child pay aged pay reduced-price pay one 0 -14 reduced-price child ticket aged ticket 0 ticket -14ticketFamily 2 adults one Family one child with one child aged at one 2 child least adults aged child 0 -14 aged 0 with aged -14 0 at -14 0 least -14one pay child pay aged pay reduced-price pay one 0 -14 reduced-price child ticket aged ticket 0 ticket -14ticketpay with reduced-price with child with child aged with pay child aged reduced-price child 0 ticket – aged 50 aged – 50 – 05 – € 5 ticket 47,80 € 47,80 € 47,80 € 47,80with with child with child aged with child aged with with child 0 aged – child 6 child 5 – aged 14 6 aged aged – 14 6 – 6 € 14 0 47,80 – € 14 571,70€ 71,70 € 71,70€ 71,70 47,80pay with reduced-price with child with child aged with pay child aged reduced-price child 0 ticket – aged 50 aged – 50 – 05– € 5ticket63,80 € 63,80 € 63,80 € 63,80with with child with child aged with child with aged 0 child – aged child 56 aged – aged 614– 614€ 0 – 63,80 6 – 14 € 5– 95,70 14 € 95,70 € 95,70€ 95,70 63,80with child aged with 6 – child 14 aged € 6 71,70 – 14 € 71,70 with child aged with 6 child – 14 aged € 95,70 6 – 14 € 95,70SAN SAN SAN SAN MARCO MARCO City City Pass City City Pass Pass PassAN MARCO SAN City MARCO PassCity PassBuy Buy it Buy in it Buy all in it all in it in all Venezia all Venezia Unica Unica ticket Unica ticket ticket points points or or at or at or at www.veneziaunica.itat uy it in all Buy Venezia it in all Unica Venezia ticket Unica points ticket or points at www.veneziaunica.itor at www.veneziaunica.it

PAG. 2 I IL SALUTO DEL SINDACOTHE MAYOR'S GREETINGSPAG. 4 I hotel - concierge “Les Clefs d’Or”Hotels - Concierge "Les Clefs d'Or"PAG. 8 I EDITORIALEEditorialPAG. 15 I agenda degli appuntamentiEventsPAG 44 I MUSEIMuseumsPAG 62 I UNA GUIDA IN CITTà...A city guide...PAG. 64 I DOVE MANGIAREWhere to eatPAG 68 I ARRIVARE A VENEZIAGetting to VenicePAG 72 I MUOVERSI A VENEZIAMoving in VenicePAG 78 I parcheggi AUTO, MOTO, BICIPARKING FOR CARS, MOTORCYCLES AND BIKESPAG 79 I la sicurezza in cittàSafety in the townSOMMARIO | CONTENTSALTA LA CODAAcquista i biglietti onlineSKIP THE QUEUEBuy your tickets onlinewww.venezia.landAnno 47 | n. 11 | 1 - 30 novembre 2023Reg. Trib. di Venezia n. 586, 1 Aprile 1977Direttore responsabileDamiano RizziRedazioneGiovanna RussoDevelopment & SalesAlberto ScaramuzzaPubblicitàEdizioni Venezia s.c.r.l.Tel. +39 041 52 20 848adv1@unospitedivenezia.itStampaGrafiche Veneziane s.r.l.Cannaregio, 4990 - VeneziaTel. +39 041 522 54 98TraduzioniLM Consulting di Laura Marcellinolmconsulting@katamail.comEditoreEdizioni Venezia s.c.r.l.Via Ulloa 5 - Marghera VeneziaTel. +39 041 52 20 848In collaborazione conAssociazione Triveneta Chiavi d’OroCopertina / CoverFrancesco Hayez, Matilde Pirovano Visconti,dettaglio (1840 circa) Collezione privataSi ringrazia Fondazione Musei Civici diVeneziawww.unospitedivenezia.itmade in venice

Scopri Scopri Venezia Venezia con con il con con il trasporto il il trasporto pubblico pubblico Actv Actv


Scopri Discover Venezia Discover Scopri Venice Venezia con Venice with il with trasporto with the con with the Actv the il Actv the trasporto Actv pubblico Actv public public transport pubblico Actv

transport Actv

Discover Discover Venice with Venice the Actv with the public Actv transport public transport

Biglietti Biglietti ordinari ordinari \ \ Standard \ \ Standard tickets tickets


Biglietti esclusi esclusi ordinari esclusi i esclusi


i collegamenti i \ i collegamenti Standard ordinari

con con con tickets l’aeroporto

\ Standard

con l’aeroporto M. Polo M.


Polo M. \ except Polo M. \ except Polo \ except for \ except services for services for for to services or to from or to from or to M. from or Polo M. from Polo M. airport Polo M. airport Polo airport airport

esclusi i collegamenti esclusi i collegamenti con l’aeroporto con M. l’aeroporto Polo \ except M. Polo for services \ except to for services from M. Polo to or airport from M. Polo airport

Biglietto Biglietto Rete Rete Unica Rete Unica Rete Unica Unica

Bus Bus Tram Bus \ Bus Tram \ \ Tram \ People Tram \ People \ \ Mover People Mover


Biglietto Bus Bus & Bus Boat Rete & Bus Biglietto Boat & ticket Boat Unica & ticket Boat ticket Rete ticket Unica

Bus Rete \ Rete Tram urbana Rete urbana Rete Bus \ People \ Urban urbana \ Tram \ Urban \ Mover Urban \ Urban People network

network Mover

Bus & Boat Bus ticket & Boat ticket

Rete urbana (Venezia, Rete (Venezia, Mestre, \ Urban Mestre, urbana network Lido) Mestre, Lido) \ Urban Lido) Lido) network

(Venezia, Mestre, (Venezia, Lido) Mestre, Lido)

75 75 75 75

9,50 9,50 € 9,50 € 9,50 € € 1,50 1,50 € 1,50 1,50 € € €

75 min min min min 75

9,50 € 9,50 € 1,50 € 1,50 €



Biglietti Biglietti a tempo a tempo a a \ tempo \ Time-limited \ \ Time-limited travelcards


Biglietti a tempo Biglietti \ Time-limited a tempo \ Time-limited travelcards travelcards

Biglietti Biglietti validi Biglietti validi nella validi nella validi rete nella rete nella urbana rete urbana rete urbana di urbana Venezia, di Venezia, di di Mestre Venezia, Mestre Mestre e isole Mestre e isole e isole e (Murano, isole Burano, (Murano, Burano,


Biglietti Torcello Torcello validi e Torcello Biglietti Lido) nella e Lido) e - rete esclusi Lido) e validi - Lido) esclusi urbana - esclusi nella i - esclusi i di collegamenti rete Venezia, i urbana i collegamenti con Mestre di con Venezia, con l’aeroporto e con isole Mestre l’aeroporto (Murano, M. Polo M. e Polo M. isole Burano, Polo M. (Murano, Polo Burano,

Torcello Time-limited e Lido) Time-limited Torcello - esclusi travelcards e Lido) i travelcards collegamenti for - Venice esclusi for Venice for for Venice urban i collegamenti con Venice urban l’aeroporto urban services, urban Mestre con services, M. Mestre l’aeroporto Polo Mestre and Mestre islands islands M. islands (Murano, Polo islands (Murano, Burano, (Murano, Burano,


Time-limited Torcello Torcello and travelcards Torcello Time-limited and Lido) and Lido) - and except Lido) - for Lido) except travelcards Venice - except for - except services for urban services for for for Venice services, to or to from or urban to from Mestre or to M. from or Polo services, M. from and Polo M. airport Polo M. islands airport Mestre Polo airport airport (Murano, and islands Burano, (Murano, Burano,

Torcello and Lido) Torcello - except and Lido) for services - except to for services from M. Polo to or airport from M. Polo airport

Venezia Venezia Venezia Daily Venezia Daily Pass Daily Pass Daily Pass Pass

25,00 25,00 € 25,00 € € €

Puoi Puoi Puoi acquistare Puoi acquistare

Venezia (1 (1 Daily giorno\day)

(1 Pass (1 Venezia giorno\day) Daily Pass

i biglietti i biglietti i biglietti Actv i Puoi biglietti Actvacquistare

25,00 € 25,00 €

Puoi acquistare

(1 giorno\day)

Treni Treni Regionali Treni Regionali Treni (1 (R) giorno\day)

e (R) Regionali e (R) Regionali e (R) Veloci e Regionali Veloci (RV) Veloci (RV) entro Veloci (RV) entro il territorio (RV) entro il territorio entro il territorio del il territorio comune del comune del comune di del Venezia comune di Venezia di Venezia di Venezia i biglietti anche anche Actv con anche con anche i biglietti con con Actv

Regional (R) and Regional Fast (R) and (R) and Fast Fast Regional (RV) trains (RV) within (RV) trains the trains within territory within the of territory the the territory of the of the of Municipality Veniceof Venice of Venice

You can You even can You You can even can even even

Treni Regionali (R) Treni (R) e and Regionali Fast Regional Veloci (R) e (RV) Regionali entro trains Veloci il within territorio (RV) the territory entro del comune il territorio of the di Municipality Venezia del comune Venice di Venezia anche con anche con

purchase purchase


Regional (R) and Fast Regional Regional (R) and (RV) Fast trains Regional within the (RV) territory trains within of the the Municipality territory of of the Venice Municipality You of Venice can even You can even

purchase Actv Actv tickets Actv tickets Actv with purchase tickets with tickets with with

Actv tickets withActv tickets with

2 2 giorni\days 2 2 giorni\days 35,00 35,00 € 35,00 € € €

2 giorni\days 2 giorni\days 35,00 € 35,00 €

3 3 giorni\days 3 3 giorni\days 45,00 45,00 € 45,00 € € €

3 giorni\days 3 giorni\days 45,00 € 45,00 €

7 7 giorni\days 7 7 giorni\days 65,00 65,00 € 65,00 € € €

7 giorni\days 7 giorni\days 65,00 € 65,00 €



THE Best Best OFFICIAL Best deals Best THE deals


Best deals Best deals





ENTRANCE to the to DOGE’S the to DOGE’S the to ENTRANCE


Includes Includes free free free admission free admission to: to: to: to: to the DOGE’S PALACE PALACE PALACE to PALACE the DOGE’S

Includes Includes free free free admission free admission to: to: to: to:

cludes • Doge’s • Doge’s • free Palace • Includes Doge’s admission Palace Palace Palace free to: admission to: PALACE

• oge’s 4 • 4 Palace Museums

• 4 • 4 Doge’s Museums Palace

• Museums 3 • 3 • churches 3 • 34 churches Museums

churches • 3 churches

PALACE Includes free Includes admission • Doge’s • Doge’s • free Palace • to: Doge’s admission Palace Palace Palace to:

• Doge’s • 11 • Palace 11 • Museums

11 •• Doge’s 11 Museums Palace

• 11 • 16 Museums • 16 • churches 16 • 16 11 churches Museums

• 16 churches • 16 churches

Baby Baby Baby (ages Baby (ages 0 (ages - 5) 0 (ages - 5) 0 - 5) 0 - 5) Free Free Free FreeBaby Baby Baby (ages Baby (ages 0 (ages - 5) 0 (ages - 5) 0 - 5) 0 - 5) Free Free Free Free

by Junior Junior (ages Junior (6 Junior Baby - 029) (6 - 5) - (6 and 29) -(6 (ages 29) and Senior - 29) and Senior 0 and - Senior (65 5) Senior +) (65 Free (65 +) € (65 +) 23,90 € +) 23,90 € 23,90 € Free Baby 23,90 Junior Junior (ages Junior (6 Junior Baby - 029) (6- 5) - (6 and 29) -(6 (ages 29) and Senior - 29) and Senior 0 and - Senior (65 5) Senior +) (65 (65 +) € Free (65 +) 31,90 € +) 31,90 € 31,90 € 31,90 Free

nior Adult Adult (6 Adult -(ages Adult 29) Junior (ages and 30 (ages Senior - 30 64) (ages (6- 30 - 64) 29) (65 - 30 64) and - +) 64) Senior € 23,90 € (65 38,90 € +) 38,90 € 38,90

€ Junior 38,90 23,90 Adult Adult (6 Adult -


29) Adult Junior (ages


30 (ages


- 30 64) (ages

(6 -

30 64)

29) (65

- 30 64)

and +)

- 64)

Senior € 31,90 € (65 52,90 € +) 52,90 € 52,90

€ 52,90 31,90

Family ult Family (ages Family 2 Family Adult adults 30 2 adults - 64) 2 with adults 2 (ages with adults at least with at 30 with least - at 64) least at least € 38,90 € Adult 38,90 Family Family (ages Family 2 Family Adult adults 30 2 adults - 64) 2 with adults 2 (ages with adults at least with at 30 with least - at 64) least at least € 52,90 € 52,90

mily 2 adults one Family one child with one child aged at one 2 child least adults aged child 0 -14 aged 0 with aged -14 0 at -14 0 least -14

one pay child pay aged pay reduced-price pay one 0 -14 reduced-price child ticket aged ticket 0 ticket -14ticket

Family 2 adults one Family one child with one child aged at one 2 child least adults aged child 0 -14 aged 0 with aged -14 0 at -14 0 least -14

one pay child pay aged pay reduced-price pay one 0 -14 reduced-price child ticket aged ticket 0 ticket -14ticket

pay with reduced-price with child with child aged with pay child aged reduced-price child 0 ticket – aged 50 aged – 50 – 05 – € 5 ticket 47,80 € 47,80 € 47,80 € 47,80

with with child with child aged with child aged with with child 0 aged – child 6 child 5 – aged 14 6 aged aged – 14 6 – 6 € 14 0 47,80 – € 14 571,70

€ 71,70 € 71,70

€ 71,70 47,80

pay with reduced-price with child with child aged with pay child aged reduced-price child 0 ticket – aged 50 aged – 50 – 05

– € 5ticket

63,80 € 63,80 € 63,80 € 63,80

with with child with child aged with child with aged 0 child – aged child 5

6 aged – aged 614

– 614

€ 0 – 63,80 6 – 14 € 5– 95,70 14 € 95,70 € 95,70

€ 95,70 63,80

with child aged with 6 – child 14 aged € 6 71,70 – 14 € 71,70 with child aged with 6 child – 14 aged € 95,70 6 – 14 € 95,70

SAN SAN SAN SAN MARCO MARCO City City Pass City City Pass Pass Pass


Buy Buy it Buy in it Buy all in it all in it in all Venezia all Venezia Unica Unica ticket Unica ticket ticket points points or or at or at or at www.veneziaunica.it

at uy it in all Buy Venezia it in all Unica Venezia ticket Unica points ticket or points at www.veneziaunica.it

or at www.veneziaunica.it

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