Un Ospite di Venezia-11-2023

Around the middle of the century, Francesco Hayez portrays Matilde, a young noblewoman from the Pirovano Visconti di Modrone family: an undoubtedly splendid work by an artist recognized as the main exponent of the Italian Romantic movement. This is the image we have chosen to open this month to introduce one of the most important artistic and cultural events of the year: the reconstruction, a hundred years later, of what turned out to be a true event, an exhibition that brought to light the Venetian art of an entire century, long overshadowed by the mythologizing of the preceding one, the 18th century.

Around the middle of the century, Francesco Hayez portrays Matilde, a young noblewoman from the Pirovano Visconti di Modrone family: an undoubtedly splendid work by an artist recognized as the main exponent of the Italian Romantic movement.

This is the image we have chosen to open this month to introduce one of the most important artistic and cultural events of the year: the reconstruction, a hundred years later, of what turned out to be a true event, an exhibition that brought to light the Venetian art of an entire century, long overshadowed by the mythologizing of the preceding one, the 18th century.


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Le Gallerie dell’Accademia di Venezia propongono

sino al 3 dicembre 2023 opere giovanili di Tiziano

riscoperte grazie a nuove ricerche, indagini

scientifiche e restauri.

Il percorso di visita a cura di Roberta Battaglia, Sarah

Ferrari e Antonio Mazzotta propone 17 opere

autografe di Tiziano e una decina di confronti con

dipinti, incisioni e disegni di autori a lui contemporanei

come Giorgione, Sebastiano del Piombo,

Dürer e Francesco Vecellio.

Il 1508 è un anno di svolta per il giovane Tiziano

che spronato dalla lezione dei grandi maestri:

Bellini, Giorgione, il soggiorno in città di Dürer dal

1505 al 1507 e la diffusione di riproduzioni di opere

michelangiolesche, riesce ad affermarsi come

protagonista indiscusso della scena artistica sino

al 1576 anno della sua morte.

La mostra indaga gli esordi del giovane Tiziano

prendendo in considerazione tre opere fondamentali

realizzate nel 1508: l’Arcangelo Raffaele

e Tobia delle Gallerie dell'Accademia di Venezia,

la xilografia raffigurante Il Trionfo di Cristo della

Bibliothèque Nationale de France e la grande impresa

decorativa esterna ad affresco del Fondaco

dei Tedeschi realizzata nel 1508 di cui rimangono

solo alcuni frammenti.

Consigliamo la visita delle sale espositive della

mostra permanente per ammirare numerosi capolavori

del maestro cadorino, opere fondamentali

per comprendere l’evoluzione e le principali fasi

del suo lungo percorso artistico e per avere una

visione più ampia della pittura veneziana nei secoli.

Titian 1508.

The Year Titian Became Titian.

The Accademia Gallery of Venice presents until

3rd December 2023 works by the young Titian

uncovered from recent research, scientific studies

and restorations. Curated by Roberta Battaglia,

Sarah Ferrari and Antonio Mazzotta the

exhibition has 17 signed works by Titian plus ten

painting, engraving and drawings of his contemporaries

such as Giorgione, Sebastiano del Piombo,

Albrecht Dürer and Francesco Vecellio.

1508 is a key year. The Great Masters of the art

world were Bellini and Giorgione whilst Albercht

Dürer had been resident in Venice from 1505 - 1507 and many

engravings that reproduced works in the style or by Michelangelo

reached Venice, they were influencing the new style.

This exhibition investigates these new beginning with the

young Titian asserting himself on the art world through 3

key works made in 1508: The Archangel Raphael and Tobias

(Accademia Gallery, Venice); a woodcut depicting The

Triumph of Christ (Bibliothèque Nationale de France); and

the large fresco on the façade of the Fondaco dei Tedeschi

painted in 1508 of which only fragments remain.

The permanent collection of the Accademia Galleries gives

an unrivalled insight into the principal works of Venetian

painting from C14th – C18th including many of the most

important works in the artistic evolution of Titian – two of

his principal works: The Presentation of Mary at the Temple

(1534-38) in its original setting at the Sala dell’Albergo della

Scuola Grande della Carita; and La Pietà (1575-76) which

was to be his last great work - placed in the context of his

artistic contemporaries, his antecedents and the later generations

of artists such as Tintoretto, Paolo Veronese and

Jacopo Bassano.

Itinerari | Itineraries


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