Un Ospite di Venezia-11-2023

Around the middle of the century, Francesco Hayez portrays Matilde, a young noblewoman from the Pirovano Visconti di Modrone family: an undoubtedly splendid work by an artist recognized as the main exponent of the Italian Romantic movement. This is the image we have chosen to open this month to introduce one of the most important artistic and cultural events of the year: the reconstruction, a hundred years later, of what turned out to be a true event, an exhibition that brought to light the Venetian art of an entire century, long overshadowed by the mythologizing of the preceding one, the 18th century.

Around the middle of the century, Francesco Hayez portrays Matilde, a young noblewoman from the Pirovano Visconti di Modrone family: an undoubtedly splendid work by an artist recognized as the main exponent of the Italian Romantic movement.

This is the image we have chosen to open this month to introduce one of the most important artistic and cultural events of the year: the reconstruction, a hundred years later, of what turned out to be a true event, an exhibition that brought to light the Venetian art of an entire century, long overshadowed by the mythologizing of the preceding one, the 18th century.


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Altri musei


Isola di San Giorgio Maggiore, 8

2 Actv San Giorgio

Progetto culturale e spazio espositivo permanente, nato dalla

collaborazione tra Fondazione Giorgio Cini e Pentagram Stiftung.

Il progetto ha l’obiettivo di riportare il vetro al centro della scena

artistica internazionale promuovendo lo studio e la valorizzazione

dell’arte vetraria del Novecento e contemporanea.

A long-term initiative between Fondazione Giorgio Cini and Pentagram

Stiftung devoted to studying the art of glassmaking in the 20th

and 21st centuries. Le Stanze del Vetro is both a cultural project and an

exhibition space aiming to bring glass back into the centre of attention

and discussion in the international art scene.

041 522.91.38 | www.lestanzedelvetro.org

10.00 - 19.00 Ingresso gratuito / Free entry

mercoledì / Wednesdays

Museo Dipinti Sacri Bizantini Istituto Ellenico

Castello 3412

1-2 Actv - San Zaccaria

Nato con la fondazione dell’Istituto nel 1958 e dedicato alla

Comunità greca, il museo espone una preziosa raccolta di

icone ma anche codici miniati, paramenti sacri, appartenenti

agli arcivescovi di Filadelfia, e oggetti di piccolo artigianato di

valore storico ed artistico.

Born with the Institute’s foundation in 1958 and dedicated to the

Greek Community, the museum exhibits a precious icons collection

but also illuminated manuscripts and sacred vestments owned by

the Philadelphia archbishops, and small craftwork of historical and

artistic value.

041.041.522.65.81 www.istitutoellenico.org

10.00 - 18.00 Mar-Mer-Gio-Ven | Tue-Wed-Thu-Fri 4,00

Pinacoteca Manfrediniana - Museo Diocesano

Dorsoduro 1

1 Actv - Salute

Una preziosa raccolta del Patriarcato di Venezia, presenta

un’importante serie di opere d’arte provenienti da antiche

chiese e conventi salvate dalla dispersione dovuta alle soppressioni

napoleoniche oltre a donazioni di ecclesiastici e cittadini


A precious Venice Patriarchate collection, presenting an important

series of artworks from ancient churches and convents saved from

dispersion caused by Napoleonic suppressions, as well as donations

from clerics and illustrious citizens.

041 274.43.973 www.seminariovenezia.it

10.00 - 18.00 Domenica-Mercoledì | Sun-Wed 6,00

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